Bug in encoding type annotations for supertype_targets

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at oracle.com
Thu Jan 28 20:12:31 UTC 2016

Yes, we are agreeing that i) target_info (in particular, the 
supertype_target variant) is likely emitted correctly, and ii) 
target_path is not.

It also seems that javap is printing "type_index=..." for the 
target_info item (not target_path as I said before).


On 1/28/2016 12:05 PM, Joel Borggrén-Franck wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Actually I suspect the target_info is correct, a supertype_target with
> a supertype_index of 65535 for the class cases but read into a signed
> char, and 0 for the 0:th interface. This isn't the type_index entry
> later in type_annotation structure, Javap just has a non-standard
> notation (another bug perhaps?)
> Created: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8148504
> cheers
> /Joel
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 8:35 PM, Alex Buckley <alex.buckley at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi Joel,
>> On 1/28/2016 10:45 AM, Joel Borggrén-Franck wrote:
>>> While working on the core reflection code for type annotation I
>>> discovered what I believe is a javac bug. It looks like javac omits
>>> the type_path structure for nested types in supertype and implemets
>>> targets. In the example below, when looking at GenericSub in javap I
>>> get this encoding of @Foo:
>>> RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations:
>>>     0: #18(): CLASS_EXTENDS, type_index=-1, location=[TYPE_ARGUMENT(0)]
>>> as expected, but when looking at either Impl or SubInner I get:
>>> RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations:
>>>     0: #15(): CLASS_EXTENDS, type_index=0
>>> or
>>> RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations:
>>>     0: #14(): CLASS_EXTENDS, type_index=-1
>>> Note the missing type_path (location in javap) for the nesting, which
>>> I think table Table in the vm spec implies.
>>> I can file a bug if you want me to.
>> I agree that the "Outer . @Foo Inner"-style terms are legal, and should have
>> a target_path item generated.
>> To be precise, the supertype_target item belongs to the target_info item,
>> not the target_path item. supertype_target encodes which type is of interest
>> among the one or more types specified after 'extends'/'implements'. All your
>> sample programs have exactly one type in their 'extends'/'implements'
>> clauses, so I'd be fairly confident that supertype_target is correct. What
>> is more likely to be wrong is (as you say) the target_path item which
>> encodes the "structural" location of a type annotation within a
>> nested/parameterized/array type.
>> The type_index items are surprising too. type_index is not about the
>> location of a type annotation, but about the annotation itself ("@Foo"). It
>> encodes the constant pool entry which gives the annotation's own type. 0 and
>> -1 are bad answers for that. I suspect javap is actually finding target_path
>> items (possibly ill-formed) and showing them as type_index.
>> So yes, please file a bug.
>> Alex
>>> cheers
>>> /Joel
>>> --- 8< ---
>>> import java.lang.annotation.*;
>>> import java.util.*;
>>> import java.lang.reflect.*;
>>> /*
>>>    * @test
>>>    */
>>> public class LostTypePath {}
>>> class Super {}
>>> class Sub extends @Foo Super {}
>>> class Generic<A> {}
>>> class GenericSub<B> extends Generic<@Foo B> {}
>>> class Outer { public static class Inner {}}
>>> class SubInner extends Outer . @Foo Inner {}
>>> interface IOuter { public interface IInner {}}
>>> class Impl implements IOuter . @Foo IInner {}
>>> @Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)
>>> @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
>>> @interface Foo {}

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