JDK-8153362: [jigsaw] Add javac -Xlint warning to list exposed types which are not accessible

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Jun 13 19:47:25 UTC 2016

On 13/06/2016 20:26, Philip Race wrote:
> PS .. also you probably should  just suppress lint on the jdk.jsobject 
> module
> The change you propose to JSObject is going to cause a potential conflict
> with the ongoing review discussion about this here :-
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/awt-dev/2016-June/011472.html
Speaking of, shouldn't this have forRemoval=true? The reason that 
jdk.jsobject doesn't `requires public java.desktop` is because we expect 
getWindow(Applet) will eventually be removed and we don't want to trip 
up those that might be relying on it to access APIs exported by 


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