Breaking binary compatibility due to adding private method to an interface compiled inconsistently

Georgiy Rakov georgiy.rakov at
Mon Oct 17 17:26:19 UTC 2016

Hello Dan,

comment [1] specifies following assertion and a note:

    Adding an 'abstract', ***'private', or 'static'*** method to an
    interface does not break compatibility with preexisting binaries.

    [Note: I believe we can make this assertion because "adding a
    method" means "adding a method that will compile", presumably?
    Private and static methods can introduce errors if a reference like
    I.m()V previously resolved to an abstract/default method in a
    superinterface, and now resolves to the private/static method in I.
    But that new method won't compile if there's a method with a
    matching signature in a superinterface of I.]

Namely, the note reads:

    ... "adding a method" means "adding a method that will compile" ...

It's questionable if this is a valid point since spec should take into 
account that a method added might be resulted from inconsistent 
compilation. For instance:

1. First we compile sources,, presented below.
    interface A {
         default void same() {}
    interface B extends A {
         //private void same() {}
    class Test {
         public static void main(String[] argv) {
              B i = new B(){};

2. Then we compile sources, presented below (toggle 
commenting 'same' method in A and B):
    interface A {
         //default void same() {}
    interface B extends A {
         private void same() {}

3. Then we compile source presented below (returning back A class 
file as it resulted from step 1):
    interface A {
         default void same() {}

4. Run Test.main(), this results in a run-time error:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to
    access method B.same()V from class Test

So adding a private method seems to cause breaking binary compatibility. 
The change between binaries resulted from step 1 and step 3 is B class 
file with a private method added, the rest of the class files are the same.

Should it be considered as a spec issue?


Thank you,
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