RFR 8193216: Filer should warn if processors redefine symbols from the classpath or sourcepath

Liam Miller-Cushon cushon at google.com
Fri Dec 15 02:36:00 UTC 2017

On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 8:20 PM, joe darcy <joe.darcy at oracle.com> wrote:

> Given the change in long-standing warning behavior, to be thorough I'd
> like to see a quick CSR created for this issue. (From the issue in JBS,
> under the "More" box at the top of the page selecte "Create CSR" toward the
> bottom. Fill out the form presented in the the new issue and when you're
> ready to have it looked at hit "Finalize.")
Thanks, I started a CSR: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8193576

Does this require a specification change? The documentation for
-Xlint:processing isn't very specific, and the documentation for Filer
doesn't discuss warnings.

> For the test, I don't know if there would be additional coverage if a
> second compile line was added to test a pre-modules world...
I double-checked that the test still passes with the additional compile

> I'll adjust my eventual fix for
>     JDK-8193462: Fix Filer handling of package-info initial elements
> to treat package-info files analogously with the changes from this issue
> after the changes go back.

> Perhaps separate from this change, it may be reasonable to check for
> obviously overlaps in the source locations and target locations.
Do you have an example of that kind of overlap? I'm not certain what source
and target mean in this context.

I've seen issues related to overlaps between the sources of a compilation
and its classpath, or between jars on the classpath. That kind of overlap
is relatively common, but an optional lint warning might be nice to have.
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