JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8173164: Resolve remaining HTML5 issues in javax.lang.model.*

joe darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Mon Jan 23 00:45:57 UTC 2017


Even after the fixes for JDK-8172458, there is still a lingering HTML5 
compliance issue in javax.lang.model.* in addition to a few javadoc 
linkage problems. These should all be fixed; small patch below.

With the patch, the code is doclint clean under both HTML 4.01 and HTML 
5 output.

(I thought the linkage problem would have been caught by the javac and 
javadoc build options, but apparently not.)



diff -r 50c877258ca9 
Fri Jan 20 18:24:50 2017 -0800
Sun Jan 22 16:23:28 2017 -0800
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   * type is a kind of class and an annotation type is a kind of
   * interface.
- * <p> <a name="ELEM_VS_TYPE"></a>
+ * <p> <a id="ELEM_VS_TYPE"></a>
   * While a {@code TypeElement} represents a class or interface
   * <i>element</i>, a {@link DeclaredType} represents a class
   * or interface <i>type</i>, the latter being a use
diff -r 50c877258ca9 
Fri Jan 20 18:24:50 2017 -0800
Sun Jan 22 16:23:28 2017 -0800
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
  import java.util.List;
  import java.util.Map;

+import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
  import javax.lang.model.AnnotatedConstruct;
  import javax.lang.model.element.*;

@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@
       * If the named module cannot be found, null is returned. One 
situation where a module
       * cannot be found is if the environment does not include modules, 
such as
       * an annotation processing environment configured for
-     * a {@linkplain ProcessingEnvironment#getSourceVersion source 
version} without modules.      *
+     * a {@linkplain ProcessingEnvironment#getSourceVersion source 
version} without modules.
       * @param name  the name
       * @return the named module element, or {@code null} if it cannot 
be found
@@ -331,7 +332,7 @@
       * If there is no module for the element, null is returned. One 
situation where there is
       * no module for an element is if the environment does not include 
modules, such as
       * an annotation processing environment configured for
-     * a {@linkplain ProcessingEnvironment#getSourceVersion source 
version} without modules.      *
+     * a {@linkplain ProcessingEnvironment#getSourceVersion source 
version} without modules.
       * @param type the element being examined
       * @return the module of an element

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