Anonymous class instance creation expression with diamond compatibility constraint is reduced to anonymous class type?

B. Blaser bsrbnd at
Mon Mar 13 12:00:33 UTC 2017


On 13 March 2017 at 08:54, Srikanth <srikanth.adayapalam at> wrote:
> seems to have some wordings
> that explains the
> rationale.
> Srikanth

There is a small difference between Georgiy's example and jdk 8133936
as shown in the commented example here under.

Georgiy's said:

"4. Unchecked conversion is necessary in order for constructor Foo to be
applicable so the return type D is erased and should be Foo."

Which relates to Daniel's comment on jdk 8133936:

"If C is an anonymous class, then the chosen constructor is the constructor of
the anonymous class. The return type is the anonymous class type."

- in Georgiy's example, the constructor's return type is chosen (due
to unchecked conversion) and javac fails.
- in jdk 8133936 example, the mj's return type is chosen and javac succeeds.

The question is:
- Is this right to use the constructor's return type in Georgiy's
example instead of mj's return type?


class List<T> {
    List() {}
    List<T> getThis() {
        return new List();
class MyType<T> {}
class Foo<T> {
//    public Foo(T a1){}
    public Foo(MyType<String> a1){}
public class Test25 {
    public static <T> List<T> m1(T item) {
        List l = new List();
        return l;
    public static <U> void m2(List<U> list1, List<U> list2) { }
    public static void test() {
//        m2(new List<Foo<String>>(), m1(new Foo<>("str"){ }).getThis());
        m2(new List<Foo>(), m1(new Foo<>(new MyType()){ }).getThis());

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