RFR 9 (xs): 8171395 (jdeprscan) add comments to L10N message file

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at oracle.com
Tue Mar 14 03:35:00 UTC 2017

Hi Leo, all,

Please review this small changeset to the jdeprscan resource properties file. It 
simply adds some comments to explain the various format elements, to help out 
with translation. Patch appended below.



# HG changeset patch
# User smarks
# Date 1489457980 25200
#      Mon Mar 13 19:19:40 2017 -0700
# Node ID 9a523636445575e5b174ed78e8f0779b4cae8fd2
# Parent  6b51827c339c267f484248c9bd10e6bc9fe00703
8171395: (jdeprscan) add comments to L10N message file
Reviewed-by: XXX

diff -r 6b51827c339c -r 9a5236364455 
Fri Mar 10 09:52:49 2017 -0800
Mon Mar 13 19:19:40 2017 -0700
@@ -75,24 +75,52 @@

  scan.process.class=Processing class {0}...

+# The "removal tag": empty for normal deprecations,
+# nonempty for removal deprecations; do not translate.

  scan.err.exception=error: unexpected exception {0}
  scan.err.noclass=error: cannot find class {0}
  scan.err.nofile=error: cannot find file {0}
+# 0: class name, 1: method name, 2: parameter and return types
  scan.err.nomethod=error: cannot resolve Methodref {0}.{1}:{2}

  scan.head.jar=Jar file {0}:
  scan.head.dir=Directory {0}:

+# In all of the messages below, 0 and 1 are as follows:
+#   0: type kind (class, interface, enum, or annotation type)
+#   1: type name
+# The last element is generally a "removal tag"; see above.
+# 2: class name, 3: removal tag
  scan.out.extends={0} {1} extends deprecated class {2} {3}
+# 2: interface name, 3: removal tag
  scan.out.implements={0} {1} implements deprecated interface {2} {3}
+# 2: class name, 3: removal tag
  scan.out.usesclass={0} {1} uses deprecated class {2} {3}
+# 2: class name, 3: method name, 4: method parameter and return types, 5: 
removal tag
  scan.out.usesmethod={0} {1} uses deprecated method {2}::{3}{4} {5}
+# 2: class name, 3: method name, 4: method parameter and return types, 5: 
removal tag
  scan.out.usesintfmethod={0} {1} uses deprecated method {2}::{3}{4} {5}
+# 2: class name, 3: field name, 4: removal tag
  scan.out.usesfield={0} {1} uses deprecated field {2}::{3} {4}
+# 2: field name, 3: type name, 4: removal tag
  scan.out.hasfield={0} {1} has field named {2} of deprecated type {3} {4}
+# 2: method name, 3: parameter type, 4: removal tag
  scan.out.methodparmtype={0} {1} has method named {2} having deprecated 
parameter type {3} {4}
+# 2: method name, 3: return type, 4: removal tag
  scan.out.methodrettype={0} {1} has method named {2} having deprecated return 
type {3} {4}
+# 2: class name, 3: method name, 4: method parameter and return types, 5: 
removal tag
  scan.out.methodoverride={0} {1} overrides deprecated method {2}::{3}{4} {5}

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