Type inference across method chains

Luke Hutchison luke.hutch at gmail.com
Fri Mar 17 02:55:02 UTC 2017

I have been trying to figure out why type inference doesn't work across
method chaining (see the code example below). I finally came across these
old messages on lambda-dev:

On Tue Jul 16 15:08:05 PDT 2013, Dan Smith wrote:
> Without ruling out the possibility of enhancements that address
situations like this, [...] the status quo is that when you type a dot, the
compiler has to completely type-check the stuff to the left before it can
proceed.  Inference can do a lot of cool tricks with context, but will not
be influenced by "context" that occurs after the dot.
[ Archive link:
http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/lambda-dev/2013-July/010544.html ]

On Wed Jul 24 12:41:03 PDT 2013, John Rose wrote:
> The reason I'm wildly waving this flag is that (I think) I have seen this
phenomenon active during the design of streams APIs, ongoing now.
[ Archive link:
http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/lambda-dev/2013-July/010629.html ]

Method chaining really is getting much more common in Java, with the advent
of APIs like Java 8 streaming, Apache Spark and Apache Flink.

Type inference across chained calls in Flink seems to work sometimes, but
not always, which is frustrating. You end up having to add type
declarations in lots of places that shouldn't need them, or breaking method
chains into separate declarations so that the compiler can understand the

Based on Dan Smith's comments in the above thread, it seems that it was
decided that the numerous complex steps involved in receiver method
resolution had to all be completed before parameter type inference.
However, it seems that if the entire graph of all possible method
signatures and all type constraints were built before any inference were
performed, then all of these steps could be performed simultaneously and
iteratively until convergence: in other words, all the types and methods in
a method call chain could be solved as a single constraint satisfaction
problem. If in the process of solving this constraint satisfaction problem,
it was discovered that there is no single satisfying assignment of types to
type variables, and/or if this did not result in a single method definition
being selected per method name, then a type error would be reported.

Based on the discussion in the thread above, it sounds like the reason this
hasn't been done yet is due to the complexity of the current compiler
design, not because it's not actually possible to do this?

Some example code: the method test1() below really should typecheck OK, but
gives an error on (l + 1) in Java 8. Providing types for the lambda params
in test2() allows the types to propagate one method call further along the
chain, but it is frustrating to always have to do that. Breaking up the
chaining into two declarations in test3() allows the typechecking to work
for both operations, but this defeats the purpose.

// Compile with these Maven dependencies:
// https://flink.apache.org/downloads.html#maven-dependencies

package com.rentlogic.buildingscores.flink;

import org.apache.flink.api.java.DataSet;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.ExecutionEnvironment;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple2;
import org.apache.flink.util.Collector;

public class TestMethodChainInference {
    private static ExecutionEnvironment env =

    private static DataSet<String> strs = env.fromElements("a", "xy",

    // Type of l resolved as Object, so (l + 1) gives a type error
    public static void test1(String[] args) {
        DataSet<Integer> strLenPlusOne = strs
            .flatMap((s, out) -> out.collect(s.length()))
            .flatMap((l, out) -> out.collect(l + 1));     // ERROR

    // No error
    public static void test2(String[] args) {
        DataSet<Integer> strLenPlusOne = strs
            .flatMap((String s, Collector<Integer> out)->
            .flatMap((l, out) -> out.collect(l + 1));

    // No error
    public static void test3(String[] args) {
        DataSet<Integer> strLen = strs
            .flatMap((s, out) -> out.collect(s.length()));
        DataSet<Integer> strLenPlusOne = strLen
            .flatMap((l, out) -> out.collect(l + 1));
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