how to tell 2 methods are override-equivalent

Martin Buchholz martinrb at
Tue Mar 21 21:50:26 UTC 2017

My ancient script findMissingSince examined the generated javadoc for
various jdk revisions and parsed the resulting html via regexes (despite

Whether using hacky regexes or "proper" tools aware of the java language,
there is a need to compare method signatures.  Erasure-equivalent methods
are the "same" method.

(As always, it would be nice if the resulting code were available to

On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 7:13 PM, Hamlin Li < at> wrote:

> Hi Vicente,
> Thank you for responding, please check the comments inline.
> On 2017/3/17 21:08, Vicente Romero wrote:
> Hi Hamlin,
> How do you obtain m2? I mean at some point it should have been obtained
> from an executable element or similar.
> I have a java doclet which scans jdk versions iteratively, m2 was got in
> previous round of run of the tool , then it's stored in a file (for example
> when scan jdk 1.8 source code), then parsed and retrieved from the file
> again (for example when scan jdk 9 source code).
> In the worst case you can always generate a simple test case and try to
> compile it for example:
> class Test {
>     void getContent(java.lang.Class<?>[] c) {}
>     void getContent(java.lang.Class[] c) {}
> }
> this one will fail saying that both methods have the same erasure,
> Yes, it should fail.
> In my situation, "getContent(java.lang.Class[] c) {}" is the code in jdk
> 1.8, "getContent(java.lang.Class<?>[] c) {}" is the corresponding code in
> jdk 9. When I scan jdk 9 source code, I need to tell that
> getContent(java.lang.Class<?>[] c) and getContent(java.lang.Class[] c)
> are in fact the same method, rather than 2 different methods.
> Thank you
> -Hamlin
> HTH,
> Vicente
> On 03/16/2017 11:15 PM, Hamlin Li wrote:
> Hi,
> ( I'm not sure if this is the right alias to ask the question, please help
> forward if necessary. )
> I have a question about telling whether one method is subsignature of
> another one. My situation is,
> 1. there is a TypeElement *t1 *which represents, and a
> ExecutableElement *m1* which represents getContent(java.lang.Class*<?>*[]),
> 2. there is a String *t2* which is "", and another String *m2
> *which is "getContent(java.lang.Class[])".
> The difference between m1 and m2 is that, m1 is an instance of
> ExecutableElement, m2 is an instance of String; there is a wildcard type
> argument in m1.
> Is there a way to tell whether m1 and m2 are override-equivalent, m2 is
> subsignature of m1?
> I suppose I should use javax.lang.model.util.Types.isSubsignature(ExecutableType
> m1, ExecutableType m2), but I don't know how can I convert
> ExecutableElement *m1* and String *m2* to ExecutableType.
> Or I'm in wrong direction?
> Thank you
> -Hamlin
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