how to tell 2 methods are override-equivalent

Vicente Romero vicente.romero at
Wed Mar 22 14:01:17 UTC 2017

Hi Hamlin

On 03/22/2017 04:57 AM, Hamlin Li wrote:
> On 2017/3/22 8:50, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> Hamlin,
>> Note that while it is relative easy to convert a string containing a 
>> type name (such as "") to an Element and/or TypeMirror, 
>> in general it will not be possible to convert a string like 
>> "getContent(java.lang.Class[])" to a Element or TypeMirror, because 
>> the string as written does not contain sufficient information.
>> Even if you did provide more info, you would still have to be careful 
>> to evaluate the string in the same compilation context as that to 
>> which you are comparing it, for the comparison to have any chance of 
>> succeeding. 
> Hi Jon,
> Thank you for explanation.
>> Given your other message mentioning a doclet, you are effectively 
>> asking to be able to compile fragments of code (i.e. strings) in the 
>> context of your doclet, and that is not possible with the existing 
>> public API.
> Although it's bad news to me, it saves my time from continuing work in 
> this direction. :-)
> I will try to find some workaround solve the issue.

If you have access to the method's descriptor, I believe that you could 
use it to convert from the method descriptor to the types you need for 
your comparison, please let me know if you want to explore that option,


> Thank you
> -Hamlin
>> -- Jon
>> On 03/21/2017 02:28 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>> Hamlin,
>>> Use Element.asType() to move from the Element world to the 
>>> TypeMirror world.
>>> Use Types.asElement(TypeMirror) to go in the reverse direction, from 
>>> a TypeMirror to an Element.
>>> but note the reverse direction is lossy and may throw exceptions:
>>>     e.g. for type "int", there is no direct element equivalent;  for 
>>> type List<String>, the element will be the declaration List<T>
>>> -- Jon
>>> On 3/16/17 8:15 PM, Hamlin Li wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> ( I'm not sure if this is the right alias to ask the question, 
>>>> please help forward if necessary. )
>>>> I have a question about telling whether one method is subsignature 
>>>> of another one. My situation is,
>>>> 1. there is a TypeElement *t1 *which represents, and a 
>>>> ExecutableElement *m1* which represents 
>>>> getContent(java.lang.Class*<?>*[]),
>>>> 2. there is a String *t2* which is "", and another 
>>>> String *m2 *which is "getContent(java.lang.Class[])".
>>>> The difference between m1 and m2 is that, m1 is an instance of 
>>>> ExecutableElement, m2 is an instance of String; there is a wildcard 
>>>> type argument in m1.
>>>> Is there a way to tell whether m1 and m2 are override-equivalent, 
>>>> m2 is subsignature of m1?
>>>> I suppose I should use 
>>>> javax.lang.model.util.Types.isSubsignature(ExecutableType m1, 
>>>> ExecutableType m2), but I don't know how can I convert 
>>>> ExecutableElement *m1* and String *m2* to**ExecutableType.
>>>> Or I'm in wrong direction?
>>>> Thank you
>>>> -Hamlin

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