Fw: Changes to ct.sym in JDK 12

Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran jay.a at outlook.in
Tue Dec 18 08:08:42 UTC 2018

Thanks Jon!

Can someone please point me to a document or bug where this is
discussed or documented? I am particularly interested in knowing
this file's structure, especially how older versions of classes
are stored. I can gather some information by looking at the
file's content, but would rather an official document to
understand things better.


> Jay,
> This is better discussed on compiler-dev.

> It's about consistency, and better supporting the historical modular
> releases.

-- Jon

On 12/9/18 9:24 PM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:
> Hello experts,
>>    I see that the ct.sym has been restructured in JDK 12. Specifically, I am curious about the fact that even for non modular releases such as 7 and 8, I see the classes being placed inside their respective modules.
>> Is it just about consistency? Are the modules always ignored or is there a scenario where the modular structure will be useful?
>> Sorry if this was discussed already, but I couldn't find much about this particular change.
>> Regards,
> Jay
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