Issues with generic type detection of SAM types implemented using lambdas

David Lloyd david.lloyd at
Thu Jan 11 13:56:50 UTC 2018

On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 3:10 AM, Oliver Gierke <ogierke at> wrote:
> Lambda based implementations of SAM types currently don't support inspecting the type for generic type parameters. This can cause unexpected surprise...

Here's a non-lambda example that demonstrates that inspecting *any*
class for generic type parameters is fragile and not a good idea:

public final class Hasher<T> implements ToIntFunction<T> {
    int applyAsInt(T value) { return value.hashCode(); }

Oops, now all my concrete implementations have generic parameters.

Telling users they cannot have generic parameters on their
implementation classes is poor API design.

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