JDK-8188144 regression in method reference type-checking

John Napier jnape09 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 20:56:47 UTC 2018

That explanation is eminently helpful Maurizio, thanks for the thorough and thoughtful reply. As you say, this one seems like bad luck that I’m so susceptible to this and the community perhaps isn’t. Oh well. 

I think I’m all set. Thanks again.

> On Jan 29, 2018, at 4:04 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore <maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi John,
> there are few things to considered when backporting a bug fix; not all bugs are created equals, so, for instance, types system issues (such as this one) require more 'bake time' to make sure the fix doesn't accidentally introduce further regressions; in this case, I see that the bug has been fixed in October, so one could argue that we had enough bake time.
> Another factor that we consider is how severe the bug appears to be; are there workarounds? Is it likely to impact a lot of developers? If the answer is likely to be negative on both fronts, then it's typically not worth the risk backporting the fix (given it might also have a chance to unsettle things),
> That said, these judgements do not occur in a vacuum - that is, they are affected by emails we receive and other bugs we see reported - so, if a bug has 12 duplicates, we can infer that there's a demand for the fix; if we receive many complaints over a specific bug in the mailing list we might equally infer that it's worth backporting.
> In this case it was a close call; there was indeed a duplicate, but looking a the test case, they didn't strike us as something that was in urgent need to be fixed - which might or might not have been the right call (with with not much data it's always hard to get it right).
> I think what you did was fine - it was just bad luck; note that for every new release there will be two updates, and that updates take place quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct), so it should be easy to figure out, from release date of JDK N, what the last update of N would be (and workout some kind of 'deadline' for bug reports that you would like to see making through the update).
> I hope this helps
> Maurizio
>> On 28/01/18 02:40, John Napier wrote:
>> Thanks very much for the follow up, Maurizio.
>> I’m sad to hear that, as this bug bit me fairly severely, but c'est la vie. I’m glad at least it will be fixed in 10.
>> For my own edification, how early could I have reported it do you think for it to have made it in to the 9 patch release? I knew about it for a few weeks before I got up the energy to try to shrink the problem down to the least amount of essential code and put together a proper test case. I ask because there are other bugs I’d like to report that are of the same ilk, and I’m curious to know what kind of time line I should be observing (relative to the release schedule) to maximize my chance of getting them fixed in the next release.
>> Did it miss the patch because of severity, or because it missed some 6 month cut off, or some combination of the two?
>> Thanks again, cheers!
>>> On Jan 15, 2018, at 3:02 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore <maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> unfortunately the only planned update to JDK 9 is shipping very soon, and it's too late now to integrate fix on it. So, the next planned release with the fix is gonna be JDK 10 (unless a new maintainer for JDK 9 is going to step forward) - see:
>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk-updates-dev/2017-November/000024.html
>>> Also, a related (and recent) thread (thanks to Sean Coffey to point that out):
>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk-updates-dev/2018-January/000028.html
>>> Thanks
>>> Maurizio
>>>> On 14/01/18 21:38, John Napier wrote:
>>>> Hello Maurizio,
>>>> I was the original reporter of JDK-8188144 to the JetBrains folks, who ultimately forwarded it over to you all, where it seems you’ve fixed it (Thank you!).  It’s logged as a P3 that is targeting 10 but was resolved in build b26; wasn’t that one of the old Java9 early access builds? Is this bug fix planned for the next patch release of 9, or is it only targeted for 10?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> John

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