RFR: JDK-8198945: Invalid RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations for annotation on anonymous class type parameter

Liam Miller-Cushon cushon at google.com
Tue Jul 3 02:34:03 UTC 2018

On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 7:14 PM Werner Dietl <wdietl at gmail.com> wrote:

> Class Test$1 has no type arguments, so I would find having NEW type
> annotations on a type argument confusing.

Ah, right. Thanks for the catch.

> So I would be for either no NEW type annotations for anonymous class
> instantiations, or duplicating only the top-level type annotations.
> For method f() this would generate three type annotations:
>       RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations:
>         0: #22(): NEW, offset=9
>           Test$TA
>         1: #23(): NEW, offset=9, location=[TYPE_ARGUMENT(0)]
>           Test$TB
>         2: #22(): NEW, offset=0
>           Test$TA
> Duplicating only the top-level type annotations would be my slight
> preference over no NEW annotations at all.

I revised the fix to only duplicate top-level annotations:
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