Type annotations on inner type that is an array components

Werner Dietl wdietl at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 23:49:55 UTC 2018

Take this example:

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

@Target({ElementType.TYPE_USE, ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER})
@interface TA {
  int value();

class ArrayOfInner {
  class Inner {}

  @TA(1) ArrayOfInner. @TA(2) Inner oi;
  @TA(3) ArrayOfInner. @TA(4) Inner [] oia;
  @TA(5) Inner i;
  @TA(6) Inner [] ia;

Compile with javac 8 and according to javap -v field ia has the annotation:

  ArrayOfInner$Inner[] ia;
    descriptor: [LArrayOfInner$Inner;
    flags: (0x0000)
      0: #10(#11=I#21): FIELD, location=[ARRAY, INNER_TYPE]

Compile with javac 9, 10, or a recent 11 build and ia has the annotation:

  ArrayOfInner$Inner[] ia;
    descriptor: [LArrayOfInner$Inner;
    flags: (0x0000)
      0: #10(#11=I#21): FIELD, location=[ARRAY]

Note the missing INNER_TYPE location.
The annotations for fields oi, oia, and i are generated consistently
for all versions and are just included to illustrate all the relevant
annotation positions.

I would like to argue that the Java 8 behavior was correct.
I didn't find an existing issue that either motivated this change or
that would report this mismatch.

cu, WMD.


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