RFF (12): JDK-8207954: Data for --release 11

Jan Lahoda jan.lahoda at oracle.com
Wed Jul 25 15:15:55 UTC 2018

Thanks Erik. I've updated the code patch here:

(the data patch remains the same)

Does this look better?


On 23.7.2018 18:56, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> Hello Jan,
> The assignment of a non existent directory looks suspect. You should be
> able assign to an empty value using ?=. On the other hand, what it looks
> like you want to achieve is having both the open and closed value on the
> command line. Then I would just change the ?= to +=.
> /Erik
> On 2018-07-23 04:44, Jan Lahoda wrote:
>> Hi,
>> To support --release 11 in JDK 12, historical data for JDK 11 need to
>> be added. As new attributes (NestHost and NestMembers) have been added
>> to the classfile, there also needs to be some tweaking of the tool
>> that creates the historical descriptions and the ct.sym sigfiles.
>> The proposed patch has two parts:
>> -code changes, which include:
>> --update to the build scripts and the tool, so that the tool can read
>> both the open and extra/closed description of the ct.sym content, and
>> merge those (there should not be any extra/closed for JDK 11, AFAIK,
>> so this is to avoid having to update the closed part).
>> --improving the description on how to add historical data for new
>> releases, using the new source launcher
>> --adding support for the new NestHost/NestMembers attributes
>> --adding a new test which strives to fail when a new attribute is
>> added and CreateSymbols is not updated
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jlahoda/8207954/webrev.code.00/
>> -addition of the historical data:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jlahoda/8207954/webrev.data.00/
>> (these may need to be re-generated when the final JDK 11 is released
>> in case there are any changes, but that should be very simple)
>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8207954
>> Any feedback is welcome,
>>      Jan

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