spotBugs and JDK-8194978: Javac produces dead code for try-with-resource
Enrico Olivelli
eolivelli at
Fri Nov 9 16:16:15 UTC 2018
I am in the same situation,
I should add that from JDK9 the try-with-resources block added a
$closeResource method, which I can't find in the example from Ismael
see for reference another know problem with Spotbugs
Any help or clarification will be appreciated
Il giorno ven 9 nov 2018 alle ore 16:24 Ismael Juma
<mlists at> ha scritto:
> Any comments on this? Many people are disabling spotBugs when compiling with Java 11 due to this issue:
> Ismael
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 10:05 PM Ismael Juma <mlists at> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> JDK-8194978 introduced some changes to the bytecode generated by javac for the try with resource construct. In the following code, it seems to generate a null check on a reference after invoking a method on it:
>> public static void readFileAsString(String path) throws IOException {
>> try (FileChannel fc = {
>> fc.size();
>> }
>> }
>> In line 16 to 22 of the bytecode, it looks like we check for null after calling a method on the fc reference:
>> 16: aload_1
>> 17: invokevirtual #6 // Method java/nio/channels/FileChannel.size:()J
>> 20: pop2
>> 21: aload_1
>> 22: ifnull 52
>> 25: aload_1
>> 26: invokevirtual #7 // Method java/nio/channels/FileChannel.close:()V
>> Is this intentional? I ask because this pattern triggers a spotBugs warning since it often implies a bug in user's code:
>> RCN | Nullcheck of fc at line 10 of value previously dereferenced in TryTest.readFileAsString(String, Charset)
>> Note that this works fine in Java versions older than Java 11. Since this spotBugs warning is generally useful, it would be handy if javac did not trigger it. Alternatively, if there's a good way to detect the code that was generated by javac, spotBugs could be updated to ignore it. For reference, this was discussed in the spotBugs issue tracker:
>> And method bytecode in full:
>> public static void readFileAsString(java.lang.String) throws;
>> Code:
>> 0: aload_0
>> 1: iconst_0
>> 2: anewarray #2 // class java/lang/String
>> 5: invokestatic #3 // Method java/nio/file/Paths.get:(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/nio/file/Path;
>> 8: iconst_0
>> 9: anewarray #4 // class java/nio/file/OpenOption
>> 12: invokestatic #5 // Method java/nio/channels/;[Ljava/nio/file/OpenOption;)Ljava/nio/channels/FileChannel;
>> 15: astore_1
>> 16: aload_1
>> 17: invokevirtual #6 // Method java/nio/channels/FileChannel.size:()J
>> 20: pop2
>> 21: aload_1
>> 22: ifnull 52
>> 25: aload_1
>> 26: invokevirtual #7 // Method java/nio/channels/FileChannel.close:()V
>> 29: goto 52
>> 32: astore_2
>> 33: aload_1
>> 34: ifnull 50
>> 37: aload_1
>> 38: invokevirtual #7 // Method java/nio/channels/FileChannel.close:()V
>> 41: goto 50
>> 44: astore_3
>> 45: aload_2
>> 46: aload_3
>> 47: invokevirtual #9 // Method java/lang/Throwable.addSuppressed:(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
>> 50: aload_2
>> 51: athrow
>> 52: return
>> Exception table:
>> from to target type
>> 16 21 32 Class java/lang/Throwable
>> 37 41 44 Class java/lang/Throwable
>> Thanks,
>> Ismael
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