Possible bug: compiler generating `ldc` instead of `sipush` and `iconst_m1` for characters in range [32768; 65535]

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Thu Aug 8 23:52:12 UTC 2019

Yes, there seems to be some suboptimality here - which I have also been 
able to reproduce with other compilers (namely ecj).

I guess the code didn't check for all the possible optimization 
opportunities - yes, values from 128 to 255 can still be encoded in a 
(negative) byte and values from 32768 to 65535 can be encoded in a 
(negative) short, so no ldc should be needed, at least in principle.

In terms of perfomances though - this is hardly going to make any 
difference, as the JIT will easily see through the redundancy. An 
argument can be made though that we are wasting valuable constant pool 
estate when we can avoid it, so, IMHO that would be the main reason to 
fix something like this.


On 08/08/2019 18:16, JARvis PROgrammer wrote:
> Hi there, it seems that the javac compiler generates non-optimal 
> bytecode for pushing values of (compile-time) type `char`.
> In order to test it I've first written a class which has a method 
> accepting `char`s which writes them to a file (so that results can be 
> easily compared):
> private static void consumeChar(final char character)throws IOException {
>      try (final BufferedWriter writer =new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File("Javac.txt"), true))) {
>          writer.write(Character.toString(character)); }
> }
> And then added code to `main` which simply invokes this method for all 
> corner cases and nearby char values {(char) 0, (char) 1, (char) 2, 
> (char) 3, (char) 4, (char) 5, (char) 6, (char) 7, (char) 126, (char) 
> 127, (char) 128, (char) 129, (char) 32766, (char) 32767, (char) 32768, 
> (char) 32769, (char) 65534, (char) 65535}. After this the class was 
> compiled using `javac` (both tested on release 11 and early-access 13).
> The resulting bytecode uses /iconst#/ for range [(char) 0; (char) 5], 
> /bipush/ for range from [(char) 6; (char) 127], /sipush/ for range 
> [(char) 128; (char) 32767] and (strangely) /ldc/ for range [(char) 
> 32768; (char) 65535].
> In order to check if the strange behavour is not the only way to 
> achieve pushing "big" `char` values onto the stack, I've recreated the 
> similar class using ObjectWeb ASM using /iconst_m1/ instruction for 
> pusing ((char) 65535) and /sipush/ (with negative values) for pushing 
> values of range [(char) 32768; (char) 65534].
> The following function describes this behaviour:
> private static void pushChar(final MethodVisitor method, final int charCode) {
>      switch (charCode) {
>          case 65535: {
>              method.visitInsn(ICONST_M1);break;}
>          case 1: {
>              method.visitInsn(ICONST_1);break;}
>          case 2: {
>              method.visitInsn(ICONST_2);break;}
>          case 3: {
>              method.visitInsn(ICONST_3);break;}
>          case 4: {
>              method.visitInsn(ICONST_4);break;}
>          case 5: {
>              method.visitInsn(ICONST_5);break;}default: {
>              if (charCode <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) method.visitIntInsn(BIPUSH, charCode
>              else method.visitIntInsn(SIPUSH, (short) charCode);}
>      }
> }
> (PS, in theory, /bipush/ might also be aplicable for some values where 
> /sipush/ is used, but I didn't test it)
> The generated class once run via java (release 11 and early-access 13 
> were used) generated the file with content equal to the one of the 
> javac-compiled class.
> And so, it seems to be a bug that `javac` uses /ldc/ instruction 
> instead of more primitive ones while those may handle all range of 
> characters.
> All files used for test purposes (including javap call results) are 
> attached to this message:
> JavacMain.java - source code of class compiled via javac
> JavacMain.class - compiled JavacMain.java (javac -g:none --enable-preview)
> JavacMain.javap - disassembled JavacMain.class (javac  -v -p -s -c)
> Javac.txt - file written by running JavacMain.class
> AsmMain_Generator.java - source code of class generating AsmMain.class
> AsmMain.class - generated replica of JavacMain.class using 
> /iconst_m1/ instruction for pusing ((char) 65535) and /sipush/ (with 
> negative values) for pushing values of range [(char) 32768; (char) 65534]
> Asm  Main.javap - disassembled AsmMain.class (javac  -v -p -s -c)
> Asm.txt - file written by running AsmMain.class
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