RFR 8230162: ScopeImpl.remove() has O(N) performance

Brad Corso bcorso at google.com
Tue Aug 27 23:40:26 UTC 2019

> I believe "Do you have any estimates of the increase in size in typical
> usage, due to the extra field in Scope?" (Jon)

I was seeing noticeably bad performance once the size of the Entry.sibling
linked list reached ~10000, and the max I saw was ~30000 in a single scope.
Given that an additional reference adds 32/64b, this could add up to
120/240Kb for the cases I saw.

I'd add, is there a chance to get an improvement in Scope.remove speed
> without making ScopeImpl.Entry bigger (assuming it gets bigger(?))? One
> possibility that occurred to me is that we could try not to remove the
> things from elems, but only mark them as removed. We would need to do
> filtering (and possibly the actual removal) while reading from the Scope
> (in getSymbols), so this is a different kind of trade-off.

(Overall, I guess the question is whether we are trading problems with
Scope.remove speed in some cases for out-of-memory problems in other cases.)

Thanks, I've verified your suggestion also gives us the performance
improvements, so this change is okay with me.

On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 12:05 AM Jan Lahoda <jan.lahoda at oracle.com> wrote:

> On 27. 08. 19 0:06, Brad Corso wrote:
> > Sorry, what's the question?
> I believe "Do you have any estimates of the increase in size in typical
> usage, due to the extra field in Scope?" (Jon)
> I'd add, is there a chance to get an improvement in Scope.remove speed
> without making ScopeImpl.Entry bigger (assuming it gets bigger(?))? One
> possibility that occurred to me is that we could try not to remove the
> things from elems, but only mark them as removed. We would need to do
> filtering (and possibly the actual removal) while reading from the Scope
> (in getSymbols), so this is a different kind of trade-off.
> (Overall, I guess the question is whether we are trading problems with
> Scope.remove speed in some cases for out-of-memory problems in other
> cases.)
> Jan
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 1:54 PM Ron Shapiro <ronshapiro at google.com
> > <mailto:ronshapiro at google.com>> wrote:
> >
> >     Adding Brad back in to the thread since he would know best
> >
> >     בתאריך יום ב׳, 26 באוג׳ 2019, 19:40, מאת Jonathan Gibbons
> >     ‏<jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com <mailto:jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com>>:
> >
> >
> >         On 8/26/19 9:12 AM, Ron Shapiro wrote:
> >          >
> >          > Note that the patch was prepared by my coworker, Brad (cc'd).
> >         I wasn't
> >          > sure what to do to make sure that he was attributed correctly.
> >
> >
> >         Mention this when you have a sponsor to push the changeset, so
> >         that it
> >         can be marked with "Contributed-By:"
> >
> >         -- Jon
> >
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