Annotation Processing issues on modules
Jonathan Gibbons
jonathan.gibbons at
Fri Dec 6 01:22:44 UTC 2019
Forwarding to compiler-dev; dropping jdk-dev.
-- Jon
On 12/05/2019 04:01 PM, Jeremy Kuhn wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been working lately on an IoC/DI framework for Java 9+ which relies on
> annotation processing and code generation. I'm actually defining
> annotations on modules and I discovered couple of bugs during the
> processing of these annotations in the Java compiler.
> The first one is when we want to print a compilation message targeting a
> module's annotation, it exists on all versions since JDK 9. Let's say we
> have the following module descriptor:
> @SampleAnnotation
> module sampleModule {
> }
> and a properly configured annotation processor to process the
> @SampleAnnotation, if we do:
> this.processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.MANDATORY_WARNING,
> "Module warning", element, annotationMirror);
> where element corresponds to the sampleModule and annotationMirror to the
> @SampleAnnotation, the compiler crash with a java.lang.AssertionError:
> An annotation processor threw an uncaught exception.
> Consult the following stack trace for details.
> java.lang.AssertionError
> at jdk.compiler/
> at
> jdk.compiler/$Visitor.visitTree(
> at
> jdk.compiler/$Visitor.visitModuleDef(
> at
> jdk.compiler/$JCModuleDecl.accept(
> at
> jdk.compiler/
> at
> jdk.compiler/
> at
> jdk.compiler/
> at
> jdk.compiler/
> at
> processor/com.example.processor.ModuleWarnProcessor.lambda$process$1(
> at
> java.base/$ForEachOp$OfRef.accept(
> at java.base/java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining(
> at
> java.base/java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
> at
> java.base/$Head.forEach(
> at
> java.base/$7$1.accept(
> at java.base/java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining(
> at
> java.base/java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
> at
> java.base/
> at
> java.base/
> at
> java.base/$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential(
> at
> java.base/$ForEachOp$OfRef.evaluateSequential(
> at
> java.base/
> at
> java.base/
> at
> processor/com.example.processor.ModuleWarnProcessor.process(
> at
> jdk.compiler/
> at
> jdk.compiler/
> at
> jdk.compiler/$
> at
> jdk.compiler/
> at
> jdk.compiler/
> at
> jdk.compiler/
> at jdk.compiler/
> at jdk.compiler/
> at jdk.compiler/
> at jdk.compiler/
> I've been able to track down the issue in
>, the Vis class
> does not implement the visitModuleDef() method and as a result it is not
> possible to find module's annotations hence the AssertionError.
> The second issue occurs when you want to use imports in a
> file, if you do so the file is simply ignored during annotation processing.
> This issue also exists on all versions since JDK 9. Let's say we have the
> following module descriptor:
> import com.example.SampleAnnotation;
> @SampleAnnotation
> module sampleModule {
> }
> and a properly configured annotation processor to process the
> @com.example.SampleAnnotation, the compiler simply doesn't take the module
> into account when processing annotation.
> I've been able to track down the issue in
> private List<ModuleSymbol> getModuleInfoFiles(List<? extends
> JCCompilationUnit> units) {
> List<ModuleSymbol> modules = List.nil();
> for (JCCompilationUnit unit : units) {
> if (isModuleInfo(unit.sourcefile, JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE) &&
> unit.defs.nonEmpty() &&
> unit.defs.head.hasTag(Tag.MODULEDEF)) {
> modules = modules.prepend(unit.modle);
> }
> }
> return modules.reverse();
> }
> Here it is assumed that the first unit in a module descriptor has to be a
> module statement however according to the java language specification, a
> module descriptor can have import statements before (and this actually
> compiles just fine) as a result the module is not added to the list of
> modules candidates for annotation processing.
> I've also found another more tricky one which relates to the usage of
> deprecated module in the module providing the annotation processor: if we
> create a module which depends on a jdk deprecated module and which provides
> an annotation processor, having that module on the processor module path
> will make the compiler to return with nothing compiled, no error and no
> output. I didn't dig too much into this as this only impacts jdk9 which
> comes with deprecated modules (eg., later versions don't have
> any issues for now. I've stopped my investigation in the
> java.lang.module.Resolver class line 181, deprecated modules are actually
> not resolved.
> I have prepared patches with jtreg tests for the first two issues on the
> repository head and I'd be happy to submit them. Please let me know if the
> description of the issues is clear enough and how we can proceed to fix
> them, I've already signed the OCA.
> Jeremy
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