[PATCH] JDK-8235457: Crash when reporting a message about an annotation on a module

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Mon Dec 9 23:15:11 UTC 2019

Hi Jeremy,

I'll go through this.

My inclination to combine all three into a single changeset to push into 
the repos.  The fixes themselves are simple; the changeset is dominated 
by the test.

-- Jon

On 12/9/19 3:12 PM, Jeremy Kuhn wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> Following my previous mail, please find enclosed updated patches:
> - JDK-8235457.patch provides fix for 8235457 bug
> - JDK-8235458.pathc provides fix for 8235458 bug
> - JDK-8235457-8235458.patch provides a test to validate both fixes: a 
> processor reporting a message on an imported module annotation.
> JCheck doesn't complain, code is more consistent and legal header has 
> been added.
> Please let me know if you need anything else.
> Jeremy
> On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 7:47 AM Jeremy Kuhn <jeremy.kuhn.java at gmail.com 
> <mailto:jeremy.kuhn.java at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Jon,
>     I take good note of your comments and get back to you with updated
>     patches asap.
>     As for the other bug 8235458, you're actually right to say that
>     both tests are quite similar: annotation module is the same,
>     processor module is almost the same except that the processor
>     doesn't report a message on the annotation to avoid the first
>     issue and the mod module uses import.
>     I did that to clearly separate the two tests, there's different
>     approaches to testing, either we test one particular issue at a
>     time (following a bug) or we test a wider functionality and
>     potentially other things at the same time. Since I saw many
>     directories named after a bug number I assumed the first approach
>     was expected but clearly I would prefer to test functionalities
>     (and reduce code)
>     Following your comment on names I think I'll create one folder for
>     both tests in test/langtools/tools/javac/modules or
>     test/langtools/tools/javac/annotations defining annotation and
>     processor modules once. Now I can either test both issues
>     altogether with one annotated module with import statements or
>     create separate tests to test the import issue separately, I think
>     that one test here would be ok because if the first test fails the
>     other would inevitably fail as well (since the processor report
>     message on annotation), there's no need to report twice the same
>     error and in case of error the issue would be quite clear: either
>     assertion error or the annotation processor doesn't process the
>     annotation, in any case you'll know what to do.
>     So I propose to create three patches: one for each bug fix and one
>     for the test if that's ok for you.
>     Regarding annotation processor module path, what can I say I like
>     modules :-P
>     Jeremy
>     On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 1:39 AM Jonathan Gibbons
>     <jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com <mailto:jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com>>
>     wrote:
>         On 12/06/2019 03:36 PM, Jeremy Kuhn wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>         Following previous discussions please find enclosed a patch
>>         for the issue referenced in JDK-8235457.
>>         The com.sun.tools.javac.model.JavacElements#matchAnnoToTree()
>>         method (line 275) is invoked when reporting a message on an
>>         annotation on an element to return the tree for an annotation
>>         given the annotated element, this allows the compiler to
>>         output the correct line where the message should be
>>         displayed, however in the "Vis" class within the method the
>>         JCModuleDecl has probably been forgotten when modules were
>>         introduced in JDK-9 leading to an AssertionError crashing the
>>         compiler when an annotation processor tries to report a
>>         message on a module's annotation.
>>         In order to fix the issue, I've simply implemented the
>>         missing method visitModuleDef() in the Vis class so that
>>         modules' annotations are properly returned.
>>         You'll find a jtreg test in the patch as well, I've actually
>>         created three modules for the test:
>>         - annotation: which defines a simple module annotation
>>         - processor: which provides the annotation processor
>>         reporting a message on the module's annotation
>>         - mod: which contains a module annotated with the previous
>>         annotation
>>         The test is successful when the test run without error and
>>         the message is properly displayed by the compiler.
>>         I didn't find a way to use jtreg tags to compile modules, so
>>         I've decided to compile everything programmatically in the
>>         test main() method.
>>         Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
>         Hi Jeremy,
>         Thanks for providing the patch for the first of your issues.
>         I've uploaded the patch as a webrev:
>         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/8235457/webrev/index.html
>         Some comments ...
>         Some of the files contain tab characters. Code in OpenJDK
>         should always use spaces instead of tabs.
>         This and other white-space rules (no trailing spaces; source
>         files end with newline, etc) are enforced
>         by a Mercurial extension called jcheck, available here:
>         http://openjdk.java.net/projects/code-tools/jcheck/
>         Although I acknowledge you'll see a lot of instances in
>         test/langtools/tools/javac, we now regard the
>         use of a directory named after a bug number as something of an
>         anti-pattern. The same for source
>         files and other related files. The preferred style these days
>         is to use a "human-understandable" name,
>         perhaps as a subdirectory in a directory of functionally
>         related tests.
>         Source files, including test source files, should generally
>         have the "standard" legal header.
>         For test files, the standard is to use GPL2 without the
>         ClassPath Exception. In most cases, you
>         can copy the header from a nearby file and just update the
>         date to be the current year,  as in
>         * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights
>         reserved.
>         I note you used /nodynamiccopyright/. This is just for use in
>         files that will be compiled, and the
>         compilation generates output (containing line-numbers) that
>         will be compared against a "golden-file".
>         The purpose of the comment is to mark the file to indicate it
>         should not have a comment, on the
>         grounds that if it had a comment and at some point in the
>         future the header were to be changed,
>         the test might break (i.e. if the number of lines in the
>         header were changed, affecting line numbers in
>         the source file.
>         Because source files to be compiled in javac tests are often
>         small, and because they are often
>         dominated in size by the legal header, it is sometimes more
>         convenient (but not required) to embed
>         these files in strings in the main test program.
>         Be careful when comparing javac output against golden files.
>         Your test will almost certainly fail on
>         Windows, because the output written by java will contain
>         Windows-style line-terminators (\r\n), but
>         the golden file will contain Unix-style line terminators (\n).
>         The recommend solutions are to either
>         convert one of the strings to be compared to be compatible
>         with the other, or to compare them
>         as a "list of lines".
>         In addition, javac provides a hidden option -XDrawDiagnostics
>         for use in cases like this, which causes
>         it to use just the simple name of the file, and to use
>         resource keys instead of localized strings.
>         This helps avoid what you had to do in lines 47,48 of
>         T8235457.java.
>         You may have intended an additional line break in the middle
>         of line 34.
>         The code would be more concise if you just accessed the system
>         properties for test.src and test.classes
>         once and stored the results in variables to use later. Even
>         better is to store them in type-safe variables
>         of type File or Path instead of plain old String.
>         Stylistically, it is nicer to use either File or Path, but not
>         a mixture unless absolutely necessary. In general, Path (as
>         the newer API) is the better overall choice.
>         Also regarding consistency, you use a mixture of Arrays.asList
>         and List.of. That's not wrong, but
>         consistent use of List.of would be better.
>         Cool for using
>         StandardLocation.ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_MODULE_PATH. I don't
>         think your anno
>         processor needed to be a module, but it is nice to see that
>         you chose to make it one.
>         (You could have just put the processor class on the classpath
>         and used the -processor option to
>         specify it by name ;-) )
>         -- Jon
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