Switch statement in source results in type$1.class being generated?

Dávid Karnok akarnokd at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 08:30:26 UTC 2019


As part of the outreach program, I'm testing the various JDK early access
builds with the library RxJava. Now that I can test JDK 13 and JDK 14 by
setting a version target in my IDE, I've come across a strange compiler
output not encountered with JDK 12 and prior versions. Note that RxJava's
source code uses Java 6 constructs only.

One of the rules for RxJava development is that there should be no
anonymous inner classes used as it makes analyzing stacktraces with all
those $12.class difficult. When the project is compiled, we check for the
existence of such type$x.class output and fail the build if found. This
worked well up until JDK 12, but now JDK 13 and JDK 14 early accesses
generate a couple of such $1.class files. As far as I can tell, they are
due to switch statements, for example:


    switch (strategy) {
      case DROP:
        return f.onBackpressureDrop();
      case LATEST:
        return f.onBackpressureLatest();
      case MISSING:
        return f;
      case ERROR:
        return RxJavaPlugins.onAssembly(new
        return f.onBackpressureBuffer();

Creates Observable$1.class:

    javap Observable$1.class

    Compiled from "Observable.java"
      class io.reactivex.Observable$1 {
      static final int[] $SwitchMap$io$reactivex$BackpressureStrategy;
      static {};

Is this some kind of expected new artifact?

Best regards,
David Karnok
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