RFC: Make test failed because of the locale LANG

naoto.sato at oracle.com naoto.sato at oracle.com
Fri Mar 29 01:23:29 UTC 2019

On 3/28/19 4:54 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> On 29/03/2019 1:59 am, Naoto Sato wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't think there is any *official* rule for the regression tests to 
>> succeed in any locale, but if the test case is locale sensitive such 
>> as in this case, I'd suggest it should correctly specify the locale 
>> beforehand, or quit gracefully in general.
>> For this specific case, I'd suggest not set the environment variable 
>> (as it won't work with Windows), using runtime system properties 
>> (user.language/user.country) would help.
> Which specific case are you referring to? :)

I was referring to the test case below, Test8062950.java, where it 
issues "env.put("LC_ALL", "en_US.UTF-8")". Instead I would recommend 
"-Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US" runtime system property.

> Given there are well over a thousand failures in total I think we need 
> to set a reasonable initial locale as part of the test setup. Many of 
> the hotspot tests check actual and expected output and we, in general, 
> have no idea what kinds of output may be subject to locale specific > changes.

Agree. Specifying a reasonable default locale would not be a bad idea.


> Cheers,
> David
>> Naoto
>> On 3/27/19 10:47 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi Jing,
>>> On 28/03/2019 3:22 pm, Jing Tian wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> When I am doing the 'make test'.If the local LANG is set as 
>>>> 'zh_CN.UTF-8', Test cases will have a lot of error messages.
>>>> ==============================
>>>> Test summary
>>>> ==============================
>>>>     TEST                                              TOTAL  PASS 
>>>>  >> jtreg:test/hotspot/jtreg:tier1                     1373 1371 2 0 <<
>>>>  >> jtreg:test/jdk:tier1                               1867 1860 7 0 <<
>>>>  >> jtreg:test/langtools:tier1                         3922 2470 
>>>> 1450     2 <<
>>>>     jtreg:test/nashorn:tier1                              0 0 0     0
>>>>     jtreg:test/jaxp:tier1                                 0 0 0     0
>>>>  >> jtreg:test/jdk:tier2                               3334 3305 29 
>>>> 0 <<
>>>>  >> jtreg:test/langtools:tier2 11     9     2     0 <<
>>>>     jtreg:test/nashorn:tier2                             35 35 0     0
>>>>  >> jtreg:test/jaxp:tier2                               438 437 1 0 <<
>>>>  >> jtreg:test/jdk:tier3                               1104 1068 36 
>>>> 0 <<
>>>>     jtreg:test/langtools:tier3                            0 0 0     0
>>>>     jtreg:test/nashorn:tier3                              0 0 0     0
>>>>     jtreg:test/jaxp:tier3                                 0 0 0     0
>>>> ==============================
>>> Given most of these are not hotspot issues and given the number of 
>>> failures, I think this is something that would need to be discussed 
>>> much more broadly. So I've cc'd core-libs-dev and compiler-dev. I 
>>> recall there was a very recent discussion regarding some tests 
>>> failing for the same reason, but don't recall the outcome.
>>> David
>>> -----
>>>> On the same machine,when i set LANG=en_US.UTF-8.
>>>> ==============================
>>>> Test summary
>>>> ==============================
>>>>     TEST                                              TOTAL  PASS 
>>>>  >> jtreg:test/hotspot/jtreg:tier1                     1388 1386 2 0 <<
>>>>  >> jtreg:test/jdk:tier1                               1867 1843 19 
>>>> 5 <<
>>>>     jtreg:test/langtools:tier1                         3920 3920 
>>>> 0     0
>>>>     jtreg:test/nashorn:tier1                              0 0 0     0
>>>>     jtreg:test/jaxp:tier1                                 0 0 0     0
>>>>  >> jtreg:test/jdk:tier2                               3328 3290 31 
>>>> 7 <<
>>>>     jtreg:test/langtools:tier2                           11 11 0     0
>>>>     jtreg:test/nashorn:tier2                             35 35 0     0
>>>>     jtreg:test/jaxp:tier2                               438 438 0     0
>>>>  >> jtreg:test/jdk:tier3                               1104 1067 37 
>>>> 0 <<
>>>>     jtreg:test/langtools:tier3                            0 0 0     0
>>>>     jtreg:test/nashorn:tier3                              0 0 0     0
>>>>     jtreg:test/jaxp:tier3                                 0 0 0     0
>>>> By comparison we can find, lots of(1000+) langtools tests will get 
>>>> fail, and other(about 30+, exclude some X11 and sanity that
>>>> result problem) test cases will also fail because of local LANG.
>>>> such as in the test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/Test8062950.java,
>>>> shouldContain("Error: Could not find or load main class " + CLASSNAME)
>>>> When in the zh_CN.UTF-8 environment, because some of the output 
>>>> information is changed to Chinese by some properties file,
>>>> the English cannot be matched, which will result in an fail.
>>>> When I set  LANG=en_US/LC_ALL=C, this test will pass.
>>>> I think there are some possible solutions.
>>>> 1.we set LC_ALL=C/LANG=EN_us in the Runtests.gmk, but this 
>>>> modification is more violent because he will affect all test cases.
>>>> 2.We modify each individual test,E.g 
>>>> test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/Test8062950.java
>>>> diff -r 0421d49b6217 test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c2/Test8062950.java
>>>>   package compiler.c2;
>>>>   import jdk.test.lib.process.ProcessTools;
>>>> +import java.util.Map;
>>>> +import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer;
>>>>   public class Test8062950 {
>>>>       private static final String CLASSNAME = "DoesNotExist";
>>>>       public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>>>> - ProcessTools.executeTestJvm("-Xcomp",
>>>> - "-XX:-TieredCompilation",
>>>> - "-XX:-UseOptoBiasInlining",
>>>> - .shouldHaveExitValue(1)
>>>> -                    .shouldContain("Error: Could not find or load 
>>>> main class " + CLASSNAME)
>>>> -                    .shouldNotContain("A fatal error has been 
>>>> detected")
>>>> -                    .shouldNotContain("Internal Error")
>>>> -                    .shouldNotContain("HotSpot Virtual Machine 
>>>> Error");
>>>> +        final ProcessBuilder pb = 
>>>> ProcessTools.createJavaProcessBuilder(true,
>>>> + "-Xcomp",
>>>> + "-XX:-TieredCompilation",
>>>> + "-XX:-UseOptoBiasInlining",
>>>> + CLASSNAME);
>>>> +        final Map<String, String> env = pb.environment();
>>>> +        env.put("LC_ALL", "en_US.UTF-8");
>>>> +        OutputAnalyzer output = new OutputAnalyzer(pb.start());
>>>> + output.shouldHaveExitValue(1);
>>>> +        output.shouldContain("Error: Could not find or load main 
>>>> class " + CLASSNAME);
>>>> +        output.shouldNotContain("A fatal error has been detected");
>>>> +        output.shouldNotContain("Internal Error");
>>>> +        output.shouldNotContain("HotSpot Virtual Machine Error");
>>>> }
>>>>   }
>>>> But I don't know if this will change the test program too much, 
>>>> because the related problems are a lot in langtools tests.
>>>> 3.And i find that there is a function can judge the locale
>>>>   if (!isEnglishLocale()) { // only english version
>>>> return;
>>>>   }
>>>> But in this case, I think in many test cases, we may not be able to 
>>>> return so directly, because some test cases may have other test 
>>>> purposes.
>>>> So I don't know if you have any ideas or some suggestions to solve 
>>>> the problem that the output information and English do not match in 
>>>> this
>>>> non-English environment.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jing Tian

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