RFR: JEP 359-Records: javadoc code
Jonathan Gibbons
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Tue Nov 5 21:28:52 UTC 2019
Hi Kumar,
Thanks for the feedback. I'll be posting another webrev shortly.
Let me respond here to some of the issues you raise.
> + // Special case to allow '{@link ...}' to appear in the string.
> + // A less general case would be to detect literal use of Object.equals
> + // A more general case would be to allow access to DocCommentParser
> somehow
> Yes the church vs. state rule, I don't quite understand the problem we
> are trying solve with this code.
I'm not sure this is the church vs. state rule. The problem I am
solving is that I want the localized generated comment to be able to
refer to the program elements like Objects.equals. Without any special
handling, using `{@link}` in a resource in the resource file will be
treated as literal text and will appear in the generated text exactly as
written. The special handling I provided was to explicitly detect
`{@link} strings and to replace them in the synthesized DocCommentTree
with the appropriate LinkTree node. As such, it's like a custom
micro-parser for `{@link}' in the resource string. As I mentioned in
the comment, the alternatives are to make the code be even more
specialized and detect/replace an otherwise plain string of
'Objects.equals` or whatever, or at the other extreme, to create and use
a full DocCommentParser on the resource string to create the DocCommentTree.
> With the Element ordering changes (ElementComparator) I thought this
> might cause failures
> in TestOrdering, I guess the previous ordering are being preserved,
> but there are no Records
> elements in this test ?
The change was mostly just a simple/trivial refactoring from using a
custom static Map to get the ordering constant, to using a switch
statement. I assumed the existing tests would cover the change. You are
right that we could update the existing ordering test to include records.
-- Jon
On 11/02/2019 08:12 AM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> Firstly I must commend the javadoc.next project for updating
> javadoc/doclet to use jx.l.m and
> other improvements to the doc comments management, this has made it
> relatively easy for javadoc
> to implement new language features, such as this. Having said that,
> the changes are looking
> great, and the langtools stalwarts have done due diligence.
> Here are some minor review comments, I don't need to see another revision.
> Default webrev:
> src/jdk.javadoc/share/classes/jdk/javadoc/internal/doclets/toolkit/builders/ClassBuilder.java
> Likely search/replace
> - * Keep track of whether or not this typeElement is an record.
> + * Keep track of whether or not this typeElement is a record.
> - // only one canonical constructor; no longer need to keep looking
> + // only one canonical constructor; no need to keep looking
> - TypeMirror objectType =
> utils.elementUtils.getTypeElement("java.lang.Object").asType();
> + TypeMirror objectType = utils.getObjectType();
> There is a symbol table cache maintained in Utils, for performance
> improvements.
> src/jdk.javadoc/share/classes/jdk/javadoc/internal/doclets/toolkit/util/Utils.java
> Nice simplifications to modifiersToString. <blush>
> With the Element ordering changes (ElementComparator) I thought this
> might cause failures
> in TestOrdering, I guess the previous ordering are being preserved,
> but there are no Records
> elements in this test ?
> src/jdk.javadoc/share/classes/jdk/javadoc/internal/doclets/toolkit/CommentUtils.java
> + private void add(List<DocTree> contents, String resourceKey) {
> + // Special case to allow '{@link ...}' to appear in the string.
> + // A less general case would be to detect literal use of Object.equals
> + // A more general case would be to allow access to DocCommentParser
> somehow
> Yes the church vs. state rule, I don't quite understand the problem we
> are trying solve with this code.
> + * name is to be inserted. T
> + * @param key the resource key for the description
> Looks like we have a hanging "T".
> One last thing, was the doc comparator run ? The reason I ask, there
> seems to be unrelated
> improvements ex: Utils::modifiersToString etc, not sure if regressions
> are lurking in the output.
> Best,
> Kumar Srinivasan
> PS: I will have to go into radio silence for some time.
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 4:54 PM Jonathan Gibbons
> <jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com <mailto:jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com>> wrote:
> Please review a moderately small update to the proposed support for
> records in javadoc.
> The primary change is to include record components in the
> signature of a
> record displayed near the top of the page.
> In addition, a "combo test" is added into TestRecordTypes.java to
> verify
> the presence or absence of annotations in various places in the
> generated page for a record, depending on the `@Target` of the
> annotations.
> Finally, there are some small cosmetic changes, and the supporting
> files
> for some previously published examples.
> Two webrevs are provided.
> The first is a cumulative webrev of the modified javadoc source
> and test
> files, compared against the default branch of the amber repo (i.e.
> the
> state of the jdk/jdk repo)
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/amber-records/webrev.default/
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ejjg/amber-records/webrev.default/>
> The second is a "delta webrev" of the recently modified javadoc
> source
> and test files, compared against the tip of the records branch of the
> amber repo.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/amber-records/webrev.tip/
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ejjg/amber-records/webrev.tip/>
> Also, the sets of examples are updated, showing examples linked
> and not
> linked to JDK API docs
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/amber-records/examples/api-with-link/
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ejjg/amber-records/examples/api-with-link/>
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jjg/amber-records/examples/api-no-link/
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ejjg/amber-records/examples/api-no-link/>
> Finally, I note a curiosity, arising from the proposed spec. This is
> the first occurrence that I can think of in which an item that is
> syntactically necessary in the source code does /not/ show up in the
> same place in the generated documentation. In general, in previous
> instances where the documented signatures differ from the source
> code,
> the difference has been the addition of default or mandated elements.
> Here, the presence of an annotation on the declaration of a record
> component in source code may not show up in the corresponding
> place in
> the documented signature, depending on the specified @Target for the
> annotation. I'm not saying that's wrong, but it is curious, and
> may need
> explaining to some.
> -- Jon
> JEP 359: https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/359
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