RFR and sponsor: 8248231: deserializeLambda created with wrong encoding if platform encoding not UTF-8

Andrew Leonard andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com
Tue Jul 7 19:31:55 UTC 2020

Thank you Vicente

Andrew Leonard
Java Runtimes Development
IBM Hursley
IBM United Kingdom Ltd
internet email: andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com 

From:   Vicente Romero <vicente.romero at oracle.com>
To:     Andrew Leonard <andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com>
Cc:     compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net
Date:   07/07/2020 18:41
Subject:        [EXTERNAL] Re: RFR and sponsor: 8248231: deserializeLambda 
created with wrong encoding if platform encoding not UTF-8

sure I can push it for you,


On 7/7/20 11:22 AM, Andrew Leonard wrote:
Thank you Vincente, 
Would you be able to sponsor pushing this please? 

I also need a 2nd review please, anyone? 


Andrew Leonard
Java Runtimes Development
IBM Hursley
IBM United Kingdom Ltd
internet email: andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com 

From:        Vicente Romero <vicente.romero at oracle.com> 
To:        Andrew Leonard <andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com>, 
compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net 
Date:        07/07/2020 15:34 
Subject:        [EXTERNAL] Re: RFR and sponsor: 8248231: deserializeLambda 
created with wrong encoding if platform encoding not UTF-8 

looks good to me,

On 7/6/20 7:01 AM, Andrew Leonard wrote: 
Any sponsors please? 

Many thanks 

Andrew Leonard
Java Runtimes Development
IBM Hursley
IBM United Kingdom Ltd
internet email: andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com 

From:        Andrew Leonard/UK/IBM 
To:        compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net 
Date:        26/06/2020 11:40 
Subject:        RFR and sponsor: 8248231: deserializeLambda created with 
wrong encoding if platform encoding not UTF-8 

Please can I request a sponsor and review for the fix to bug JDK-8248231? 
webrev for review: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aleonard/8248231/webrev.00/ 

The problem with incorrect encoding of deserializeLambda was discovered by 
the openj9 VM team on a platform where the default encoding is not UTF-8 
(eg.EBCDIC platforms), which eluded to the problem that the 
deserializeLambda was not been encoded correctly when the lambda char did 
not map to an ASCII compatible range. The fix testcase replicates the 
problem by using a suitable UTF-8 char that does not map. 

Many thanks 

Andrew Leonard
Java Runtimes Development
IBM Hursley
IBM United Kingdom Ltd
internet email: andrew_m_leonard at uk.ibm.com 

Unless stated otherwise above:
IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 
Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU

Unless stated otherwise above:
IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 
Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU 

Unless stated otherwise above:
IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 
Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU

Unless stated otherwise above:
IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 
Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU

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