JDK 16 RFR of JDK-8071961: Add javac lint warning when a default constructor is created

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Wed Jul 29 20:10:28 UTC 2020


Please review the code changes and CSR for

     JDK-8071961: Add javac lint warning when a default constructor is 
     webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~darcy/8071961.5/
     CSR: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8250795

Some background on the design of the warning and broader usage context, 
while default constructors can be convenient for informal code, they can 
be a bit troublesome for more formal APIs, such as the public classes of 
packages in the JDK. One issue is that default constructors do not have 
javadoc. Another is that a class that semantically should not be 
instantiated, say it is a solely a holder for  static constants and 
methods, can get instantiated and subclassed. (Subclasssing such a class 
is an anti-pattern to allow use short names for the static members, 
which is no longer necessary since static imports as of Java SE 5.0.)

Until they were recently fixed, there were about one hundred remaining 
default constructors in the JDK API outside of the client libraries ( 
JDK-8250212 Address reliance on default constructors in the JDK 
(umbrella) ). Other occurrences of this issue were sporadically fixed 
over the years ( JDK-8236695, JDK-8177153, JDK-8071959, etc.).

In terms of detailed criteria to issue the new warnings, there was the 
usual tension in warnings between reducing false positives and false 
negatives. For example, warning for *any* default constructor, even in a 
throw-away class, would be more annoying than helpful. With some 
guidance from the JDK code base, criteria in the current patch are a 
default constructor merits a warning if:

* The class is in a named package and the packaged has an unqualified 
export from its module AND
* The class is public and, if it is a nested class, all of its lexically 
enclosing types are public too.

An unqualified export, where the package is available to use to any 
module and not just named ones, was taken to indicate classes in the 
package can comprise a "formal API". It would be simple to change this 
to an unqualified export, but I wanted to avoid unwanted instances of a 
new warning. If a public nested class is a non-public enclosing class, 
the nested class is not directly part of the exported API. These 
combinations of kinds of exports and nesting are tested in the tests in 
the DefaultCtor directory.

The text of the warning message implies what criteria are being used:

  # 0: symbol, 1: symbol, 2: symbol
      class {0} in exported package {1} of module {2} relies on a 
default (implicit) constructor

Once the javac-related changes are reviewed, I'll send a RFR out to 
build-dev for the make system updates. Basically modules whose use of 
default constructors has not been addressed (java.desktop, 
jdk.accessibility, jdk.unsupported.desktop, etc.) have the new warning 



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