[External] Re: BUG: local type inference -> symbol not found

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Tue Jun 9 13:13:26 UTC 2020

Hi - I've managed to reproduce; it seems a duplicate of this bug:


That said, JIRA says this bug has been fixed in 11.04, so I'm not sure 
why you are seeing it.

On my ubuntu, which comes with 11.06 the bug cannot be reproduced, and I 
have to use an older JDK 11 build to do that.

To reproduce I've created this single file:

import java.util.function.*;

class Handle {
     public  <T> T attach(Class<T> extensionType) { return null; }

class BugReproduction {

   public void doesNotCompile() {
     final Anything anything = null;

     anything.executeOuter(() -> {
       anything.executeInner((handle) -> {
         final var inferredAnything = handle.attach(Anything.class);
         return null;
       return null;

   public void consume(Consumer<Long> noop) {


interface Anything {

   Long create(Long object);

   default <T> T executeOuter(final Supplier<T> callback) {
     return callback.get();

   default Long executeInner(Function<Handle, Long> onSuccess) {
     return onSuccess.apply(null);


On 09/06/2020 13:49, Sietse Au wrote:
> I've created a small project where the problem can be reproduced 
> consistently:
> https://github.com/stau-booking/jdk11-reproduce-type-infer-bug
> In this case the inferred type in the project is still `Anything`.
> On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 10:55 PM Maurizio Cimadamore 
> <maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com 
> <mailto:maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     It would be interesting to know what is the inferred type for
>     `someDao` - here's a dirty trick that you can use to let the
>     compiler cough that up:
>     final var someDao = ...
>     String s = (String)someDao;
>     This should hopefully cause a type mismatch and the compiler
>     should tell you which type it tried to convert to String.
>     I'm suspecting that this type might be a non-denotable type (e.g.
>     anonymous class type, or intersection type) - which might be
>     something that might trip javac up  when used as a method
>     reference receivers?
>     Maurizio
>     On 08/06/2020 20:34, Sietse Au wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     I've run into a compilation error on OpenJDK 11.06 (see
>>     attachment) where there is some interaction between local
>>     type inference and method reference.
>>     Haven't been able to create a clean project to reproduce the problem.
>>     Inside a larger code-base it is reproducible:
>>     final var someDao = ...
>>     someRequest.map(item -> SomeBuilder.builder()
>>        ...
>>        .build()
>>     ).forEach(someDao::create);
>>     the combination of the local type inference `final var` and the
>>     `someDao::create` method reference lead to the stacktrace in the
>>     attachment.
>>     When we rewrite the above to not use type inference and declare
>>     the type explicitly:
>>     final SomeDao someDao = ...
>>     OR
>>     rewrite the forEach not using the method reference:
>>     forEach(x -> someDao.create(x))
>>     the code compiles.
>>     As the stack trace itself was kind of unhelpful, hooking up to a
>>     debugger found that when the code hits `someDao::create` a
>>     SymbolNotFound error is thrown.
>>     Best regards,
>>     -- 
>>     Sietse Au
> -- 
> Sietse Au
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