RFR: 8253455: Record Classes javax.lang.model changes [v5]
Joe Darcy
joe.darcy at oracle.com
Wed Sep 30 23:48:32 UTC 2020
On 9/30/2020 3:57 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
> On 9/30/2020 2:29 PM, Joe Darcy wrote:
>>>> Vicente Romero has updated the pull request incrementally with one
>>>> additional commit since the last revision:
>>>> adding a comment to PreviewFeature.Feature
>>> src/java.compiler/share/classes/javax/lang/model/element/ElementKind.java
>>> line 114:
>>>> 112: /**
>>>> 113: * A record type.
>>>> 114: * @since 14
>>> The `@since` tags will all need to be updated to `16`, right?
>> While I acknowledge that is what the current version of the JEP
>> directs to happen in this situation, the API elements in question
>> really are present in 14 and 15 so I don't think saying they are
>> "since 16" is necessarily clearer.
> The reason that JEP 12 says to have @since reflect the
> final-and-permanent release rather than a preview release is to
> provide a JEP owner with a simple rule that applies regardless of
> whether an API element evolves between preview and permanent status.
> Just because an API element exists in 14 and 15 (as preview) and 16
> (as permanent) doesn't mean it has exactly the same semantics in 16 as
> in 14 or 15 -- previewing is the one avenue by which an element can
> materially change its behavior between 14 and 15 and 16.
Conversely, the fact that an API element is preview on one release and
non-preview in a subsequent one does not necessarily imply the spec has
changed. (Although it might have changed, of course.)
Non-preview methods don't necessarily have *exactly* the same semantics
between releases either, subject to our general API evolution policies.
> Also, where API elements are previewed over time, the choice to have
> some elements be @since 14 while others are @since 15 or @since 16
> would cause confusion in future -- "Are the 14 and 15-era elements
> associated with records considered to be final, given that records
> weren't finalized until 16? Might the 14 and 15-era elements be
> removed one day?" -- so I think it's best to focus @since consistently
> on the release where a feature becomes final-and-permanent.
Another kind of consistency would be "use the @since tag for the release
the API element was first added." For readers, it would be a simple rule
that non-preview and not-deprecated-for-removal API elements can be
assumed to be present in the next release.
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