RFR: JDK-8283730: Improve discussion of modeling of packages and modules

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at oracle.com
Mon Mar 28 22:49:20 UTC 2022

On 3/28/2022 2:38 PM, Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
> On 3/28/2022 1:05 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:
>> On 3/28/2022 1:00 PM, Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
>>> ModuleElement
>>> The represented module may have an explicit backing construct (either 
>>> source code or executable output) or may be created from implicit 
>>> information. The explicit source code construct for a module is 
>>> typically a module-info.java file (JLS 7.7). Implicit information is 
>>> used to model unnamed modules.
>> What happened to "automatic modules" per my initial mail???
> Update for automatic modules; new plain text:
> "The represented module may have an explicit backing construct (either 
> source code or executable output) or may be created from implicit 
> information. The explicit source code construct for a module is 
> typically a module-info.java file (JLS 7.7). Implicit information is 
> used to model unnamed modules and automatic modules (JLS 7.7.1)."

It's good that automatic modules are mentioned, though it makes me 
wonder if the `Automatic-Module-Name` attribute of a JAR manifest is 
ever used to determine the `get*Name()` of a ModuleElement? If so, 
that's explicit information, not implicit.


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