[External] : Re: Error examples page

Ethan McCue ethan at mccue.dev
Mon Aug 14 22:39:35 UTC 2023

Following up on this thread, I published (to the best of my ability) the
result of the work with the students.


(I know I haven't really responded to Maurizio's points about the inference
and parsing errors, the thrust of what I wrote and the prototype we made is
"we at least need a box to put the solutions into", if that makes sense.)

On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 8:57 PM Maurizio Cimadamore <
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> there are two classes of errors that are hard. The first, as your example
> demonstrates, has to do with parser errors. When parsing it is hard to
> recover from errors. Javac tries to do its best, but if you are parsing a
> production, and you find a token that is unexpected for that production, it
> is not clear what should happen next. I mean, an error should be reported -
> but what then? Javac tries to figure out where to start parsing again - in
> some cases this can be done with some success (e.g. finding the matching
> closing brace, parens, etc.). In other cases it's harder, and it can lead
> to pathological situations such as the ones you describe. Some of these
> issues might be made worse by actual bugs (so it is possible that in the
> case of "expected class" there's an actual issue with javac - would be nice
> to have a reproducer).
> The other class of errors that are hard are errors related to overload
> resolution and inference. The problem there is that the error has to cover
> so much ground (too much). When you have an overload resolution failure,
> you can, at least in the general case, have many overload candidates, each
> of which fails for a different reason (which might be interesting or not).
> If there's inference, the reason as to why a candidate is not applicable
> might be obscure (e.g. incompatible bounds on an inference variable), and
> if you have nested or chained generic method calls, things tend to explode
> pretty quickly, so when your typical stream chain fails to type it's hard
> to understand exactly what needs to be fixed - often because the error
> typicall shows up in the wrong place. For instance, you might get an error
> message when you call `toList()` on a stream and assign it to a
> `List<String>` - but the real problem is that the type of the stream is not
> `Stream<String>` as you expect: something sent inference down the wrong
> path in an earlier call in the method chain, which caused the stream type
> to become `Stream<Object>`.
> These things can (and should!) be improved, but there's a limit on how
> much you can improve things when working with the command line interface.
> For instance, when diagnosing inference issues inside an IDE, I find myself
> hoovering on each component of the call chain, or try to use auto-complete
> after each subexpression, to have a rough idea of what the type might be at
> that point. Even doing that is not always possible: methods that are
> generic in their return type can be "influenced" by their surrounding
> context, so breaking up a method chain can sometimes result in changes to
> how a subexpression is typed. So... it's an hard problem - and the limited
> visual aids a terminal offer, combined with the lack of interaction makes
> these issues particularly pesky. Other langauges have explored the idea of
> a type debugger [1] - although I don't know what's the state of these
> initiatives.
> Cheers
> Maurizio
> [1] - https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/179877?ln=en
> On 04/02/2023 03:48, Ethan McCue wrote:
> 1. The error messages that the student got were not helpful for them
> seeing their error. I don't have their original code so I can't dive in to
> why and say "ah, we could obviously make this case better", but I choose to
> believe there was some way to not vomit "class, interface, enum, or
> record expected" nine times.
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