Type parameters inside super() calls?

Archie Cobbs archie.cobbs at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 20:45:04 UTC 2023

This program compiles without error:

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
public class TypeParamStaticContext<T> extends AtomicReference<T> {
    public TypeParamStaticContext(Object obj) {

Yet according to my reading of the JLS, the appearance of T inside the
super() call should be disallowed:


An explicit constructor invocation statement introduces a static context (
which limits the use of constructs that refer to the current object.
Notably, the keywords this and super are prohibited in a static context (
as are unqualified references to instance variables, instance methods, and type
parameters of lexically enclosing declarations (§


If a type name consists of a single *Identifier*, then the identifier must
occur in the scope of exactly one declaration of a class, interface, or
type parameter with this name (§6.3
or a compile-time error occurs.

If the declaration denotes a type parameter of a generic class or interface
C (§8.1.2
then both of the following must be true, or a compile-time error occurs:


   The type name does not occur in a static context (§8.1.3

   If the type name appears in a nested class or interface declaration of C,
   then the immediately enclosing class or interface declaration of the type
   name is an inner class of C.

What am I missing?


Archie L. Cobbs
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