Could someone take another look at my submitted bug regarding class names?

Ethan McCue ethan at
Mon Feb 20 16:39:09 UTC 2023

To throw a unicode wrench in the mix.

    class cafe\u0301 {


    class caf\u00e9 {


    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            var a = new cafe\u0301();
            var b = new caf\u00e9();


I seem to only get one café.class file out in the end.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 11:15 AM Archie Cobbs <archie.cobbs at>

> On Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 7:27 AM David Alayachew <davidalayachew at>
> wrote:
>> > Also note that what exactly
>> > case-insensitive means depends on your
>> > choice of Locale (see also this link
>> <>). That
>> > may or may not matter depending on the
>> > approach.
>> Good catch, ty. From what I have read, it seems like java class names
>> must be limited to a very small set of ASCII characters
> Nope...
> $ cat Décérébélé.java
> public class Décérébélé { }
> $ javac -d classes Décérébélé.java
> $ ls classes/
> Décérébélé.class
> I am suggesting this behaviour instead.
>> ---
>> $ javac -d classes {a,b}/*.java
>> $ ls classes/
>> FOO$1.class Foo$2.class
>> ---
>> Now, each class file is unique, regardless of OS casing. And if we were
>> to open up these 2 class files, they wouldn't reference each other using
>> Foo and FOO - they would use FOO$1 and Foo$2. That way, they know where
>> exactly what .class file to reference, as there is only one match.
>> Would that not work as a solution for both of our scenarios?
> Sorry I should have been clearer... yes your idea would solve the problem,
> but at the expense of backward compatibility. That makes it a non-starter.
> As Jon points out that would be "an incompatible change of seismic
> proportions".
> Your idea *can* be done in a compatible way for local classes. Here's a
> sample patch
> <>.
> This would be a limited, tactical change that doesn't solve the whole
> problem but addresses the ASCII-only narrow case in the bug.
> -Archie
> --
> Archie L. Cobbs
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