Using qualified enum in `old` switch

Mikhail Pyltsin pyltsinm at
Mon Jul 10 08:20:15 UTC 2023

I am investigating a new version of jep440+441
After `2023-06-12: Misc editorial changes.` I can't find any explicit
mention that it is allowed to use qualified names for enums in `old` switch.
But according to it must be allowed

static void goodEnumSwitch2(Coin c) {
    switch (c) {
        case HEADS -> {
        case Coin.TAILS -> {    // Unnecessary qualification but allowed

before  `2023-06-12: Misc editorial changes.`, It was
```Every case constant must be either (1) the null literal, (2) a constant
expression (15.29
or (3) the (simple or qualified) name of an enum constant (8.9.1
otherwise a compile-time error occurs. A single null case constant may also
be paired with the default keyword.
```,  but now there is no mention of the type of enum names.

Could you help me, which point allows it now?

This question arose because the next code doesn't produce errors:
    enum EN{A, B}

    public void test(EN en) {
        switch (en) {
            case A -> System.out.println("a");
            case EN.A -> System.out.println("a too");
            case EN.B -> System.out.println("b");
Is this expected?
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