NPE in javac 11.0.18 while infering exception type in lambda

Attila Kelemen attila.kelemen85 at
Fri May 12 20:21:52 UTC 2023

The following code causes javac to throw an NPE:

public class JavacBug {
  interface MyFunction<E extends Throwable> {
    Object apply(Object arg) throws E;

  <E extends Throwable> Object withObj(MyFunction<E> f) throws E {
    return f.apply("X");

  void dummyCall(Object arg) {

  void test() {
    withObj(obj1 -> {
      return withObj(obj2 -> {
        return null;

I have only tried this with 17 (aside from 11.0.18), but 17 compiles it fine.

The workaround to this issue is to explicitly declare the generic
parameter of the inner `withObj` call.


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