Integrated: 8317048: VerifyError with unnamed pattern variable and more than one components

Aggelos Biboudis abimpoudis at
Wed Nov 1 13:41:16 UTC 2023

On Fri, 29 Sep 2023 10:20:10 GMT, Aggelos Biboudis <abimpoudis at> wrote:

> There were situations when javac optimizes switch structures (by merging the head of cases recursively) when two neighboring cases have a mix of named and unnamed patterns. This resulted translation is like the following:
> From this:
>   static <T1 extends Comparable, T2 extends Comparable> int compareTo(Tuple<R<T1>, R<T2>> o) {
>         return switch (o) {
>             case Tuple<R<T1>, R<T2>>(R1<T1> _, R1<T2> _) -> -1;
>             case Tuple<R<T1>, R<T2>>(R1<T1> _, R2<T2> _) -> -1;
>             case Tuple<R<T1>, R<T2>>(R2<T1> _, R1<T2> _) -> -1;
>             case Tuple<R<T1>, R<T2>>(R2<T1> fst, R2<T2> snd) -> fst.value().compareTo(snd.value());
>         };
>     }
> to code like this from the deeper nested switch (sample taken from `translateTopLevelClass`):
> ...
> case 1:
>    if (!(let snd = (T8317048.R2)selector10$temp; in true)) {
>        index$11 = 2;
>        continue;
>    }
>    yield .value().compareTo(snd.value()); // boom, fst is missing
>    break;
> ...
> The reason is that in the `resolveAccumulator` we peek the first of the two to replace both, in this case the `R2<T1> _`. 
> JCPatternCaseLabel leadingTest = 
>         (JCPatternCaseLabel) accummulator.first().labels.head;
> One way to solve this is to not merge two successive type patterns that have different namings (either both named or both unnamed).

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 36de19d4
Author:    Aggelos Biboudis <abimpoudis at>
Committer: Jan Lahoda <jlahoda at>
Stats:     89 lines in 2 files changed: 89 ins; 0 del; 0 mod

8317048: VerifyError with unnamed pattern variable and more than one components

Reviewed-by: jlahoda



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