I don't understand the "this-escape" warning under this context

David Alayachew davidalayachew at gmail.com
Sat Sep 30 03:22:09 UTC 2023

Hello Compiler Dev Team,

I have the following code example.


package Paint;

import javax.swing.*;

public class GUI

   private final JFrame frame;

   public GUI()

      this.frame = new JFrame();



   private final JPanel createBottomPanel()

      final JButton save = new JButton();

            actionEvent ->




      return null;



This is the compile command that I used.

javac -Xlint:all GUI.java

When I compile, I get the following warning.

GUI.java:16: warning: [this-escape] possible 'this' escape before subclass
is fully initialized
GUI.java:28: warning: [this-escape] previous possible 'this' escape happens
here via invocation
            actionEvent ->
2 warnings

Can someone help me understand the what, why, and how of this warning? I
don't understand it at all.

I am pretty sure I understand the basic premise of "this-escape" -- a
not-fully-initialized object (this) can "escape" from its constructor
before completing initialization, usually causing bugs and security

A good example of this is a constructor calling an overridable method. If a
subclass overrides that method, it may expose the state or perform
behaviour that it is not prepared to perform at that time, amongst other

But I struggle to follow that logic for my example. Could someone walk me
through this?

Thank you for your time and help!
David Alayachew
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