Integrated: 8335122: Reorganize internal low-level support for HTML in jdk.javadoc

Jonathan Gibbons jjg at
Fri Aug 2 17:56:38 UTC 2024

On Wed, 26 Jun 2024 23:00:27 GMT, Jonathan Gibbons <jjg at> wrote:

> Please review a change to reorganize the internal low-level support for HTML in the jdk.javadoc module.
> Hitherto, there are two separate sets of classes for low-level support for HTML in the `jdk.javadoc` module: one, in doclint, focused on reading and checking classes, the other, in the standard doclet, focused on generating HTML. This PR merges those two sets, into a new package `jdk.javadoc.internal.html` that is now used by both `doclint` and the standard doclet.
> There was a naming "anti-clash" -- `HtmlTag` in `doclint` vs `TagName` in the standard doclet. The resolution is to use `HtmlTag`, since the merged class is more than just the tag name.
> A few minor bugs were found and fixed.   Other minor cleanup was done, but otherwise, there should be no big surprises here. But, one small item of note: `enum HtmlStyle` was split into `interface HtmlStyle` and `enum HtmlStyles implements HtmlStyle` to avoid having a doclet-specific enum class in the new `internal.html` package.  The naming follows `HtmlId` and `HtmlIds`.
> There is no attempt at this time to simplify `HtmlTag` and `HtmlAttr` to remove support for older versions of HTML.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 7deee745
Author:    Jonathan Gibbons <jjg at>
Stats:     3063 lines in 108 files changed: 1203 ins; 1221 del; 639 mod

8335122: Reorganize internal low-level support for HTML in jdk.javadoc

Reviewed-by: hannesw



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