Compilation fails on Windows when a sibling file name contains illegal char":"

Eirik Bjørsnøs eirbjo at
Thu Aug 22 08:30:13 UTC 2024

On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 12:58 AM Jonathan Gibbons <
jonathan.gibbons at> wrote:

As for common sense, maybe, but maybe not. It is effectively impossible
> to anticipate all the quirks of all the file systems that may be
> encountered while compiling a program. That being said, it is arguable
> that `javac` should ignore any files that are not the well-formed
> filename of a valid Java class.

Thanks Jonathan. I did wonder a bit why the file scanning was including all
file types in this context. (fileKinds includes

> > o If yes, would it be worthwhile to improve the error reporting?
> > "Cannot access unnamed package" is not super helpful, "error accessing
> > directory" is also somewhat vague.
> Well, you did get a very helpful and very specific error message ....
> `Illegal char <:> at index 4: file:txt`

Yes, that last part was indeed helpful in diagnosing the problem at the
implementation level.

While this is probably unlikely to happen in any properly organized,
version controlled code base, experimental code using JEP-330 might be more
likely to stumble upon it. This was what happened to me when I discovered
this while using "java" in some scratch directory
containing some oddly named, partially downloaded files.

> > o At the very least, should we add a space in the IOException message
> > thrown by DirectoryContainer.list, to separate the file path from
> > the InvalidPathException toString?

I filed JDK-8338815 to track this trivial enhancement, and will follow up
with a PR shortly.

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