? extend T[] is not considered an array

Attila Kelemen attila.kelemen85 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 13 12:38:06 UTC 2024


I have not found anything in JLS specifically mentioning this. So, I'm not
sure if it is intentional, but the following code does not compile (in any
versions of Java I have tried):

interface ForEachable<T> {
  void forEach(Consumer<? super T> consumer);

List<String> wrongMethod(ForEachable<? extends String[]> arrays) {
  var result = new ArrayList<String>();
  arrays.forEach(array -> result.add(array[0]));
  return result;

or in an even simpler example:

String first(Supplier<? extends String[]> supplier) {
  return supplier.get()[0];

The compiler complains about `array[0]` that `array` is not an array. While
I get that the compiler cannot assume that there is no subtype of
`String[]`, but even if there was one, I would expect it to be an
array, and be indexable.

An obvious workaround is to assign `array` to a new local variable, but it
is awkward to do.

Is this behavior a bug, or something required by the JLS?

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