History of using -parameters for JDK builds

Liam Miller-Cushon cushon at google.com
Tue Jan 28 20:00:28 UTC 2025


I was wondering if anyone on the list knows of prior discussions about
using -parameters when building the JDK itself. (compiler-dev@ isn't
exactly the right list but I'm not sure where else to ask,
enhanced-metadata-spec-discuss@ is archived.)

JEP 118 added support for -parameters and the corresponding model APIs to
read parameter names. I understand why the change is opt-in, and there's
some related discussion about that on the lists:


I was curious if there's been any discussion about enabling the feature
specifically when building the JDK itself? All of the general concerns
would apply there as well (class file size, compatibility surface).

I understand this isn't a small change, and am not making an argument for
doing it, but I'm curious if this has already been considered and there's
history on the lists I can read up on.
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