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Also, I think that processing a parallel stream over a concurrently-modified(*) collection might raise some questions pertaining expected semantics during processing.</div>
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* As opposed to "only" concurrently-modifiable<br>
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<div style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">
<b>Viktor Klang</b></div>
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Software Architect, Java Platform Group<br>
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<div id="divRplyFwdMsg" dir="ltr"><font face="Calibri, sans-serif" style="font-size:11pt" color="#000000"><b>From:</b> Dr Heinz M. Kabutz <heinz@javaspecialists.eu><br>
<b>Sent:</b> Saturday, 2 November 2024 20:44<br>
<b>To:</b> Doug Lea <dl@cs.oswego.edu><br>
<b>Cc:</b> Viktor Klang <viktor.klang@oracle.com>; Stuart Marks <stuart.marks@oracle.com>; concurrency-discuss@openjdk.org <concurrency-discuss@openjdk.org><br>
<b>Subject:</b> [External] : Re: Fun with Spliterators</font>
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On 2024-11-02 20:43, Doug Lea wrote:<br>
> On 10/31/24 16:59, Dr Heinz M. Kabutz wrote:<br>
>> Hi Doug,<br>
>> I've been looking at the spliterators in the LBQ and other concurrent <br>
>> classes. I'm aware that the likelihood of anyone ever wanting to <br>
>> parallel stream over one of these is extremely remote, so this is <br>
>> just a curiosity.<br>
> I was about to reply with the following, but while doing so I noticed <br>
> the ConcurrentSkipList problem, at probably about the same time you <br>
> did! Ignoring that for now...<br>
> We have some tests of supposedly all Spliterator-based paralelStreams, <br>
> including the one at: <br>
> <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://gee.cs.oswego.edu/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsr166/jsr166/src/test/loops/IntegerSum.java?view=log__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!KnVeXGYMy82l1bm2FKj3_a063UUickSrlHA8F4WzyzNUPQBQVNyOxtmUso4WEqBKHXxKJZh_OpgfeLVLUYNjygSL$">
> (The supposedly part is because some of them were commented out in my <br>
> routine test suite to reduce test loads. Oops.) A run of them all <br>
> adding a million integers is pasted below (only the "p" numbers, <br>
> nanosecs per element are informative).<br>
> All singly-linked data structures are slower than others because the <br>
> Spliterators don't can't balance: they can only roughly approximate <br>
> this by putting out increasing-sized batches. And performance across <br>
> them is roughly similar, People who want better performance and can <br>
> tolerate copy overhead should do so on C.toArray. I don't think we say <br>
> this anywhere, and probably should. But the sense was that people <br>
> naively calling parallelStream on strictly sequential data structures <br>
> should not expect much anyway?<br>
> -Doug<br>
> n:1000000 i: 10.05 s: 4.67 p: 0.87 Arrays.asList.keys<br>
> n:1000000 i: 15.53 s: 8.13 p: 1.06 Arrays.asList.values<br>
> n:1000000 i: 24.44 s: 15.21 p: 0.98 ArrayList<br>
> n:1000000 i: 14.01 s: 8.59 p: 0.84 ArrayList<br>
> n:1000000 i: 21.51 s: 9.02 p: 0.83 Vector<br>
> n:1000000 i: 28.29 s: 15.07 p: 1.18 Vector<br>
> n:1000000 i: 25.63 s: 17.90 p: 0.98 ArrayDeque<br>
> n:1000000 i: 14.05 s: 9.27 p: 0.84 ArrayDeque<br>
> n:1000000 i: 17.10 s: 8.79 p: 0.84 CopyOnWriteArrayList<br>
> n:1000000 i: 22.77 s: 14.38 p: 1.17 CopyOnWriteArrayList<br>
> n:1000000 i: 29.21 s: 21.85 p: 1.10 PriorityQueue<br>
> n:1000000 i: 19.91 s: 12.19 p: 0.89 PriorityQueue<br>
> n:1000000 i: 35.81 s: 23.34 p: 1.59 HashSet<br>
> n:1000000 i: 77.48 s: 79.30 p: 2.72 HashSet<br>
> n:1000000 i: 15.09 s: 11.80 p: 2.37 ConcurrentHashMap$KeySetView<br>
> n:1000000 i: 31.58 s: 10.07 p: 2.29 ConcurrentHashMap$KeySetView<br>
> n:1000000 i: 51.67 s: 19.06 p: 3.41 TreeSet<br>
> n:1000000 i: 127.58 s: 123.33 p: 2.40 TreeSet<br>
> n:1000000 i: 21.82 s: 14.62 p: 3.38 ConcurrentSkipListSet<br>
> n:1000000 i: 103.25 s: 102.54 p: 3.64 ConcurrentSkipListSet<br>
> n:1000000 i: 14.21 s: 10.84 p: 1.97 HashMap.keys<br>
> n:1000000 i: 63.92 s: 49.16 p: 2.14 HashMap.vals<br>
> n:1000000 i: 44.50 s: 31.97 p: 1.51 IdentityHashMap.keys<br>
> n:1000000 i: 47.72 s: 30.90 p: 1.50 IdentityHashMap.vals<br>
> n:1000000 i: 30.30 s: 21.01 p: 2.27 WeakHashMap.keys<br>
> n:1000000 i: 94.88 s: 51.68 p: 2.43 WeakHashMap.vals<br>
> n:1000000 i: 13.46 s: 9.07 p: 1.59 ConcurrentHashMap.keys<br>
> n:1000000 i: 60.72 s: 45.22 p: 2.22 ConcurrentHashMap.vals<br>
> n:1000000 i: 37.80 s: 27.82 p: 2.12 TreeMap.keys<br>
> n:1000000 i: 63.91 s: 39.49 p: 4.01 TreeMap.vals<br>
> n:1000000 i: 11.05 s: 5.77 p: 2.40 ConcurrentSkipListMap.keys<br>
> n:1000000 i: 47.51 s: 29.44 p: 2.82 ConcurrentSkipListMap.vals<br>
> n:1000000 i: 12.55 s: 13.75 p: 22.59 Hashtable.keys<br>
> n:1000000 i: 55.58 s: 76.51 p: 25.36 Hashtable.vals<br>
> n:1000000 i: 11.42 s: 12.06 p: 16.10 LinkedHashMap.keys<br>
> n:1000000 i: 45.33 s: 47.96 p: 15.85 LinkedHashMap.vals<br>
> n:1000000 i: 11.37 s: 12.81 p: 16.68 LinkedHashSet<br>
> n:1000000 i: 52.61 s: 54.13 p: 17.09 LinkedHashSet<br>
> n:1000000 i: 11.95 s: 4.83 p: 10.32 LinkedList<br>
> n:1000000 i: 39.85 s: 23.24 p: 8.22 LinkedList<br>
> n:1000000 i: 11.38 s: 4.70 p: 6.74 ConcurrentLinkedQueue<br>
> n:1000000 i: 42.81 s: 24.56 p: 7.42 ConcurrentLinkedQueue<br>
> n:1000000 i: 15.18 s: 8.83 p: 12.62 ConcurrentLinkedDeque<br>
> n:1000000 i: 44.88 s: 32.77 p: 17.48 ConcurrentLinkedDeque<br>
> n:1000000 i: 25.58 s: 7.71 p: 7.57 LinkedBlockingQueue<br>
> n:1000000 i: 63.58 s: 32.49 p: 8.18 LinkedBlockingQueue<br>
> n:1000000 i: 16.52 s: 8.29 p: 6.71 LinkedBlockingDeque<br>
> n:1000000 i: 50.93 s: 29.11 p: 7.75 LinkedBlockingDeque<br>
> n:1000000 i: 12.22 s: 5.00 p: 7.48 LinkedTransferQueue<br>
> n:1000000 i: 48.98 s: 26.73 p: 8.17 LinkedTransferQueue<br>
> n:1000000 i: 19.58 s: 5.68 p: 29.51 ArrayBlockingQueue<br>
> n:1000000 i: 36.46 s: 18.63 p: 30.79 ArrayBlockingQueue<br>
> n:1000000 i: 12.36 s: 5.91 p: 2.04 PriorityBlockingQueue<br>
> n:1000000 i: 28.46 s: 19.43 p: 1.94 PriorityBlockingQueue<br>
The test I would like to add to the OpenJDK would create a collection of <br>
reasonable size (100k should be enough) and then call trySplit() on it. <br>
This would fail if the result is null, because that would mean that the <br>
collection won't be able to have a parallel stream.<br>
And yes, I do think that we should encourage those that need to process <br>
elements in parallel to copy them to an array based structure, or even <br>
to an array directly. ArrayList is probably OK, so new <br>
ArrayList<>(collection).parallelStream() instead of using <br>
collection.parallelStream() directly for a sequential structure.<br>