Fw: [PATCH] Allow usage of external zlib copy

Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò flameeyes at gmail.com
Fri May 11 19:59:07 UTC 2007

After Phil Race's suggestion, I'm forwarding this to core-libs, as it
might be more appropriate.

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 07:39:39 +0200
From: Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò <flameeyes at gmail.com>
To: build-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: [PATCH] Allow usage of external zlib copy

Most distributions have policies about using external copies of
libraries whenever possible. OpenJDK ships with a series of libraries
that are usually available on a system, like zlib and jpeg, thus
breaking such a policy.

The attached patch tries to correct part of this by letting use of
external zlib copy when passing EXTERNAL_ZLIB=true at the make process.

I'm also gonna work on a similar patch to use external jpeg library
(that will likely depend on this one because of some of the files
touched being the same).

Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò

Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò
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