RMI RemoteException

Trenton D. Adams trenta at athabascau.ca
Fri Aug 29 20:21:19 UTC 2008

Hi Guys,

Is this the right list to be discussing RMI topics?  I saw some RMI related stuff when I did a site search on google.

I'm curious what the reasoning is behind leaving RemoteException as a checked exception.  It seems to me that it would be more relevant to have it as a RuntimeException, as there is not a whole lot one can do about it.

Any ideas why it might be that way?  If there is agreement that it should be an unchecked exception, any hope of moving toward it being unchecked?


Trenton D. Adams
Systems Analyst/Web Software Engineer
Navy Penguins at your service!
Athabasca University
(780) 675-6195

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