[PATCH] FileChannelImpl.c.Java_sun_nio_ch_FileChannelImpl_truncate0

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at Sun.COM
Wed Jan 30 20:59:13 UTC 2008

Michael Allman wrote:
> This must have been on somebody's plate for a long time.
> Attached please find a patch to correct an apparently unreported bug.  
> At least, I couldn't find one.  
I think this is the bug you are looking for:

It is fixed in jdk7/OpenJDK. If I understand correctly you are running 
jdk7/OpenJDK's regression tests on a jdk6 port. In that case you will 
likely see other failures because there are many fixes and updated tests 
in jdk7/OpenJDK that aren't in jdk6.


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