[PATCH] Enhance ServiceLoader to understand factory methods

Jaroslav Tulach jaroslav.tulach at sun.com
Sat Oct 4 17:28:25 UTC 2008

Proposal: Enhance ServiceLoader to understand factory methods

Justification: A lot of our services in NetBeans are final classes. Still,
would like to use the META-INF/services registration to register their 
providers. Currently this does not work, we either need to unfinalize the 
classes (which restricts future evolution options) or use different ways of 
registering the providers. We propose simple and backward compatible 
extension to current ServiceLoader registration scheme. If accepted, 
NetBeans'll eliminate our non-standard registration methods, while keeping 
benefits of final classes. Moreover the same techniques will be available to 
any JavaSE project.

Risks: API change includes simple, compatible extension. New code is able to 
accept old registrations. Old code (JDK6) will generate 
ServiceConfigurationError in case of seeing new registration, however.

Test: I have found tests in test/java/util/ServiceLoader/ directory and I've 
modified them to verify also our new usecase. All of them are passing, if I 
run them by running ./basic.sh script - I am not sure if that is the right 
way of running your tests.

I am attaching my current patch. Let me know what shall I change to allow
to be integrated to OpenJDK7. Thanks a lot.

Jaroslav Tulach
NetBeans Platform Architect

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