I replaced sun.io converters by an adaptor to sun.nio.cs coders

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Thu Sep 4 13:55:37 UTC 2008

Hi Sherman and all other readers on this list,

I've finished my work for an adapter, so all 
sun.io.CharToByte/ByteToChar implementations can be thrown out.

Result: only 13 classes (including inner classes) instead of 332 classes 
in sun.io package are needed.

See my sources:

Separate JAR to pre-load by -Xbootclasspath/p:sun_io.jar



Am 24.06.2008 17:58, Xueming Shen schrieb:
> ... one of the ideas is to write a adaptor class to bridge the 
> sun.io.Converter to sun.nio.cs
> implementation, so we can eliminate all those CharToByte/ByteToChar 
> implementation, I have a
> draft implementation in one of my ws, but have not fully tested, will 
> dig it out later.

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