Review request for 6795561

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at Sun.COM
Tue Apr 7 11:50:45 UTC 2009

irisg at wrote:
> :
> Given the unfortunate bug history of this method, I think that your 
> approach is the way to go.  I also agree with your evaluation to let
> the change bake in jdk7 then backport to an appropriate 6uX release.  
> I approve.  Given that your update will address the problem described 
> in 4511104, I suggest that you provide a minor update to that 
> evaluation then close it as duplicate of 6795561.
> Fantastic bit of work!  Let's hope CharBuffer.subSequence() is finally
> a happy method.
Thanks for spending time on this one; the history is indeed unfortunate. 
We should probably have caught this back in 1.4 with better test 
coverage. I initially didn't see 4511104 but I did toy with proposing a 
spec change to have subSequence work like slice. The downside with that 
is that it could cause breakage for code that obtains a subsequence of a 
wrapped String (as this case worked as expected, at least until recently).


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