OpenJDK Forum: Core Libraries Round Table
Dalibor Topic
Dalibor.Topic at Sun.COM
Wed Apr 8 16:22:35 UTC 2009
Hi core libraries developers,
I'd like to carry on doing these, as the last one we did for
contributing into OpenJDK 6 was fun and productive, so per
Alan Bateman's suggestion, it's time again tomorrow, on
Thursday, for the
OpenJDK Forum
Date/Time: Thursday Apr. 9th, 8 AM Pacific, 1600 GMT, 5 PM Germany
Subject: Core libraries round table
Call Host: Dalibor Topic
Expected Participants:
* members of discuss at openjdk and core-libs-dev at openjdk
mailing lists interested in hearing what everyone
else is working on in the core libraries area.
The agenda would be just go around the table and get everyone
to speak on what they are working on in the core libraries
area in OpenJDK.
We will then switch to open discussion mode to hear people's
questions, concerns, and suggestions on the subject matter.
The call will be recorded, and the recording will be made
available after the call - in a free format, of course!
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dalibor topic
Dalibor Topic Tel: (+49 40) 23 646 738
Java F/OSS Ambassador AIM: robiladonaim
Sun Microsystems GmbH Mobile: (+49 177) 2664 192
Nagelsweg 55
D-20097 Hamburg mailto:Dalibor.Topic at
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Amtsgericht München: HRB 161028
Geschäftsführer: Thomas Schröder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Bömer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Häring
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