Review request for 6829503

Rémi Forax forax at
Sat Apr 18 13:20:29 UTC 2009

Xueming Shen a écrit :

> Two use scenarios
> (1) jvm is being terminated "abnormally" during a password reading 
> operation (during "normal" application
> operation), in which the echo is in "off" mode when these shutdown 
> hooks start to be invoked. Without
> the "console restore first", application hooks probably can do nothing 
> with the stdin/console
> (2)Application hooks use Console.readPassword() and then be terminated 
> "abnormally" during the reading,
> in which the echo mode is kept in "off" mode and will not be restored 
> after app exits.
> The reason the console hook was/is added to run first is we weighed 
> the first scenario as a more likely
> scenario in real world application. Note, the Console echo mode is not 
> required to be "restored" if the
> reading operation finishes normally.
> Maybe we can consider to run the console hook again (if the hook is 
> set) after the application hooks?
> Sherman
The other solution is to provide a way in the API to test if shutdown hooks
have been started or not.

In that case, all application codes that start a shutdown hook like 
can check if shudown hooks run or not and throw a runtime exception
if shutdown hook run.


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