Fix for 5015163, and my first webrev

Rémi Forax forax at
Fri Feb 6 22:33:56 UTC 2009

Xueming Shen a écrit :
> public String join(Object first, Object... elements) {
>     if (elements.length==0)
>         return String.valueOf(first);
>     return new StringBuilder().join(this, first, elements).toString();
> }
> It does not look right to simply return String.valueOf(first); when 
> elements size is 0, where is "this"?
"this" is the delimiter.

",".join("hello", "world") => "hello,world"

Thus it doesn't use "this" if there is only one argument.
> No, I'm not endorsing the APIs provided, at least for now:-) there is 
> room to debate what would be
> the best choice(APIs) to support the "joint", if we decided to add one.
Is it more clear now ?

By the way, I've written 3 tests, one by class (String, StringBuilder, 
Should I add them to the webrev ?
> Sherman

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